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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. There goes another legend into the halls of immortality. RIP Mr. Jones.
  2. Sorry for your loss @PromoTheRobot. My condolences. Most people don't know that there is no "reading of the will" with family/heirs present. It's really up to the executor/executrix to file for probate and execute the will. That said, there's NO requirement that the executor actually follow the wishes of the deceased in their will. The questions I'd ask her is where did she come from? Who appointed her and when? Who has custody of the will? Who is named the executor/executrix in the will? Is there a will, or did he pass on intestate? If the latter, the probate judge will appoint one, and they are allowed to take money from the estate for the work that they do, e.g., settling Dr. bills, filing insurance claims, contacting Social Security about the death, selling or distributing the deceased's belongings - which includes bank accounts, stocks, bonds, autos, and other personal property. You should also ask if your father established a Trust, and if so, what kind is it, and what assets did he assign to it. Trusts get passed directly to the heirs mentioned in it, and all those assets do NOT go through probate, so the heirs can get them in a day or two. Probate can take a long time. I believe I would make the trip. You'd have a better sense for what happened and what's going on. My wife and I have some experience in this. Both my parents passed years ago, and her mother passed several years ago too. She had been living with us for over three years, and the Dr. bills, etc. keep coming for years after. Good luck, and again, my condolences Promo.
  3. The old film-flammy on the jimmy-jamie. That was a great movie and mostly true as well. He actually went to work for the FBI/Treasury (don't recall which) to teach them how to detect bogus currency and checks.
  4. Joe Namath’s career record is 62-63-4 and his career completion percentage was 50.1% I think Eli gets in but not in the first if nothing other than the NY centric media. He will always be in MY personal HOF because he and his team denied the Cheaters two more Super Bowl rings.
  5. Did Trump get permission to order this from Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, and WaddlesNadler?
  6. Wuhan is the city that Viking River Cruises flew us to from Shanghai. It's where we picked up the boat for a journey up the Yangtze River. China has over 100 cities with a population of > One million. The US has about 10.
  7. Right after the Ayatollah signs the peace treaty ending WWIII.
  8. Damn, ya made me look it up. moloch | ˈmälək, ˈmōˌläk | nouna harmless spiny lizard of grotesque appearance which feeds chiefly on ants, found in arid inland Australia. Moloch horridus, family Agamidae.ORIGIN from Moloch. Moloch | ˈmälək, ˈmōˌläk | a Canaanite idol to whom children were sacrificed. • (as noun a Moloch) a person or thing to which extreme or terrible sacrifices are made. First definition sorta goes with the iguana popsicles. The second goes with protecting child trafficking and the extreme abortion platform of the Dems.
  9. After siding with the Ayatollah, the Dems opened up a new front behind their enemy’s Front lines. They’re sniping now from the floor of the Senate.
  10. He’ll be rooting for team Montana like he always does.
  11. So. The question is this, is Cocaine Mitch really Dr. Pimple Popper in real life?
  12. CJSCOTUS is the “tie breaker” in an impeachment trial. Ergo, the compromised C.J. Roberts would be up to bat.
  13. But most just travel on the bullet trains from DC to Wilmington, Philadelphia, Trenton, NYC, Providence, and Boston. Oh, and Sacramento to the Mojave Desert.
  14. Alan Dershowitz is a brilliant Constitutional scholar. This "Impeachment" of Trump is as unconstitutional as a kangaroo court and a lynch-mob.
  15. Tony Romo has become the TV analyst that many of us thought Peyton Manning would have been.
  16. BREAKING NEWS!!! MSLSD REPORTING... Parnas told Dems that he was in the Moscow Hotel and was an eyewitness to the Trump Golden Shower Review put on in Trump’s behalf by Vlad the Putin. They even had caviar! He also swore that a small goat or dog was involved. He can’t be too sure which, because the room was only lit by candlelight and he admitted to having drunk a fifth of Stoli. Furthermore, he swears that it was there in Moscow that Trump planned to frame Joe Biden with allegations that he can’t carry a tune, is low energy, (white supremacist dog-whistle code for “he’s got a small peepee”) and “without evidence” alleged that Hunter Biden is a money sluice to the Biden family’s coffers. Film at 11.
  17. Looks like a Walter White warehouse. Or perhaps Gus Fring’s.
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