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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Bob, have the decency to leave and take your diseased, decrepit mind with you. You're a poor, ruined soul that shows little hope of redemption, let alone honesty. Go buy a gun and do the right thing... for all of us. And may God have mercy on your soul.
  2. Maybe it gets me banned, but WTH... Well, it is still up on Youse Toob.
  3. It's old and was debunked years ago... sadly. It's a clever, clever clip, and was one of my favorites. Well, all I can say is... JERK THIS!
  4. Footage of Spitroast videos on "Oh my God Becky, Look at this ####!" perhaps. Right alongside those of Kamala Harris and Adam Schiff.
  5. also fake. just sayin'. and sorry to say nonetheless.
  6. I'm on Medicare right now and know full well what the costs are. I don't think you appreciate what they are for a FAMILY. I pay thousands ( several thousands less than when my wife was still working though) a year as does she. Part B alone costs over $1,700 a year each for my wife and I, then we pay another $2,100+ for my Part B supplemental, and she pays $4,400+ for her Part B and D. I pay an additional $900+ for my Part D. $1,700 $2,100 $900 $4,700 for me $1,700 $4,400 $6,100 for her Together we pay $10,800 for "Medicare" and that's after we had IRMAAs of over $8k a year dropped when she retired. Tell me again about the $5,500 "per person" cost of medical insurance. I doubt it's a per person charge, but a mix of some single plans and family plans.
  7. Yes, to a point. Washing your hands with soap and water is essential. Purell is NOT great for protecting against some bugs. Cover your cough and sneeze! Don't go to China right now.
  8. You must not be married or have children. You do know that Medicare is a single person insurance, and that it doesn't cover everything. And, that it's means tested - meaning that you don't pay a premium for it if you've worked and paid into the system for 7 1/2 years and don't earn over a certain amount. If you do, then you're assessed IRMAAs (Income Related Adjustment Amount) according to how much you earned. If you haven't paid into the system for that long, then the government will charge you for Part A coverage (currently $458 per each per month). Oh, and that's just Part A - which covers hospitalization charges. You will also have Part B - which can cover Physician's charges... but not all of them ($144.60 - $491.60 per each per month) so you need to BUY a Medicare Part B Supplemental insurance, but it still doesn't cover everything. It has limits and then there are the deductibles. That cost each person a few hundred bucks a month - depending on which insurer you choose. Remember, there are NO family Medicare plans. So if you have a wife and kids, pony up for each of them a few hundred bucks a month. But wait... there's more (or less), let me talk about Medicare Part D - which is REQUIRED. That's prescription drug coverage . You get that in part from Medicare, but you have to buy an insurance policy - again for about a hundred bucks a month - per head in your household. But remember I mentioned means testing and IRMAAs? That goes for Medicare Prescription coverage too (from $0.00 additional to as much as $76.40 a month per each person). If Bernie wins, I hope you get what you've asked for. I really do. Medicare Part A Costs Medicare Part B Costs Medicare Pare D Costs https://www.medicare.gov
  9. His glasses went overboard too.
  10. Best thing about today IMHO - Shifty Schiff kept Nads Nadler off the Senate floor after his stealing the spotlight last night! Worth thing about today IMHO - is so many of you engaging in post after post of fruitless dialog with Bob in Marijuana.
  11. Agreed. I appreciate your efforts in keeping us informed. It seems like a nasty bug, and hopefully the full force efforts in place can keep it under control till it burns itself out. Just don't go to China now. We went a couple of years ago and were in Wuhan for a day. It's a pretty city. Sucks to be there now though. I don't know of a domestic source for black vinegar. It's a must for making a good dumpling sauce. ;-)
  12. 2.3% death rate from the Wuhan bug. 80,000 Americans died from flu in 2018 1,800 died last year Perspective people.
  13. Mary Matalin. More contemporaneously you coul have employed Kelly Anne Conway and her Durff Never Trump husband.
  14. That's not their end game. They'd grill him as hard as they could to get any kind of dirt possible on Trump. They're scum. They're driven by hatred and their lust for power.
  15. Has Buttigieg responded to Mike’s Phauxahontess “I drink beer!” moment? Looks like Mikey likes it and is poaching/pandering for votes.
  16. Engaging those dolts in a conversation is a Sisyphean task. Yet posters here engage them regularly and after a long, long string of back and forth posts, express frustration that the dolts just don’t get it, lack intellectual honesty, or are goalpost movers. You’re being played.
  17. 170 deaths out of 7,811 cases. That’s a 2.2% fatality rate. Not much different than the influenza outbreaks.
  18. Well it couldn’t be next Monday. They’ll all be hung over from the SuperBowl.
  19. I dunno. If we've survived the Trump Derangement Syndrome Epidemic so far, I guess we'll survive this Wuhan Corona virus too.
  20. https://pjmedia.com/trending/did-biden-save-this-ukraine-firm-responsible-for-1-8b-in-missing-aid-his-son-is-on-the-board/
  21. It's in two posts above her last post. Probably too busy to click it, you know how arduous clicking a link and watching a video can be.
  22. You’re an amoral sociopath.
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