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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Will the mayor of Wuhan come to America and enter the Democrat primaries? He might have a better chance to stay alive if he does.
  2. Like when you have your septic tank pumped out. You just look at the truck leaving and say, “Get that s ***** t outta here!”
  3. The ***** wimps can’t even wield a sledgehammer. What is their position on the hundreds of thousands of animals that they euthanized? Oh, but that’s different. Right.
  4. Absolutely! They don't track your surfing. Google lives to sell your data to its advertisers.
  5. My condolences. Death comes for us all at some point. The older you become, the more you begin to realize your own mortality.
  6. Well, she's always been kind to the undertakers who form a significant block of her constituency.
  7. SARs Suspicious Activity Reports are records that banks, insurance companies, and other financial institutions are required to make and send to the authorities at the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) whenever a transaction of over $5k is made, or smaller repetitive additions, subtractions from a(n) account(s) is(are) made.
  8. Well, they seem to come incredibly easy for you. Who's going to win the Presidential in 2020, and who will win the House? Asking for a friend.
  9. Well, they certainly didn't want to tempt fate by examining the DNC and Hillary's servers. Perish the thought! Or perhaps, perish the investigators.
  10. He should add Dianne Feinstein to that list.
  11. DuckDuckGo.com is your friend. This virus appears to have a 2.2% death rate. That’s much less than the usual influenzas that appear every year. The flu kills mostly the very young, the very old, and those with compromised immune systems. The h1n1 viral pandemic by contrast infected people of all ages and gave a much higher percentage of pneumonia than ordinary flus do. It’s also more likely than you die from the pneumonia. It’s not clear yet what the age distribution stats are. The B word about this virus is that it’s new therefore no one has immunity, so it has the potential to infect a lot more people worldwide than a “normal” flu. As @BillsFanNC just said above, everyone has some protection from the regular flus even if you don’t get a flu vaccine. It’s called the “herd effect.” There is no herd effect for this virus as it’s new. Next year, maybe. Purell does NOTHING to stop these viruses. Everyone needs to wash their hands regularly for 15 seconds scrubbing vigorously with SOAP and 110 degree water. Then dry them with a single use device (paper towel or air dryer). DON’T touch your face or lips or you can inject yourself with the virus if your hands or fingers have picked it up from surface contact. Don’t travel to China.
  12. Oh goodie. President Bernie, VP Fauxahontas with control of the US Treasury! I can’t think of a better qualified Dream Team to drive us into a record-breaking Great Depression. Putin and Xi would enjoy our demise.
  13. He did look good last year with TB. The video is terrible, but his catches are pretty nice.
  14. Breshad Perriman would be a good pickup. TB paid him $4m for a single year. He's an experienced vet.
  15. And people thought TO was bad. SMH.
  16. Biden has a shorter fuse than Trump and he attacks voters that are coming out to hear him talk about his platform. Unbelievable. Contrast that to how Trump handles his voters. He gets them chanting and cheering because he's got a message they're happy to hear... America FIRST! MAGA! The Left has completely abandoned the working class. They were the first to go. Then their neglect of the African American community has sharply eroded their support for the "new" Socialist Dem platform. The old way of just buying their various constituent's support with our tax dollars is failing the former base of that party. The far Left youngsters support it because they don't know history, and they believe everything should be free because they want it.
  17. Epstein didn't kill himself and Weinstein has a c ***** t These must not be discussed and never should see the light of day.
  18. Well, obviously they kept them outta CHAINS! Well, it's better than what he might say the next time somebody gets uppity with him. You don't know ***** you lying' #### sucker mother ***** son of a B word.
  19. Perhaps Fredo will proclaim how it is illegal for the public to watch it. Only news reporters are legally able to watch it. And they'll tell you what you need to know after they view it.
  20. He doesn't know there are rain forest her in the US.
  21. On the other end of the spectrum, Mayor Bloomberg is paying very hard to play H. Ross Perot to President Trump's G. H. W. Bush. Trouble for him is, this POTUS is no GHW sissy boy. I don't see the radical left getting behind the billionaire Mayor, and they're the most energized group in the Democrat party. I think a lot of more centrist Dems will be turned off by his buying the nomination and might not support him at the polls. If one of the radicals gets the nod, does he end up running as an Independent? That would ensure a second Trump victory. The Dems are marching as a mob toward a brokered convention. It's like it's 1968 all over again.
  22. https://healthvigil.com/flu-season-deaths-us-worlswide/ Flu season deaths in the Unite States More than 200,000 people are hospitalized each year in the United States for the flu illness and its complications and between 3,000 and 49,000 people die each year from the flu. The number of flu deaths every year varies. For example, The average number of flu deaths during the 1990s was 36,000. Average number over a longer time frame from 1976 to 2007 was 23,607 deaths. If you take the number of deaths year wise, you will find a vast variation with a low of 3,349 deaths during the flu season of 1986-87 to a high of 48,614 in 2003-04.
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