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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. No. This is close:
  2. Brush up on your job skills before you interview. Here's a quick video with some clues on how to behave.
  3. Like Son House used to sing, "A good man is hard to find." Or was it, "A hard man is good to find"?
  4. Sentence commuted to time served... not pardoned.
  5. At the drop of a hat. At the drop of a ***** hat. They must have their tricks all pre-planned to launch at the drop of a said-same hat. The media has done this for decades WRT celebrities who are elderly. Get the obit 3/4 written and kept on the shelf till the celeb drops - including their hat. They can push those stories out within minutes of the hat drop.
  6. Amy Koboulchar
  7. Would not mind seeing something like this from a Bills TE this season:
  8. She could never “wrap her head around that” Jim. It’s a literal physical impossibility.
  9. CPL really screwed himself by not announcing his candidacy for President. Everyone knows that gives one immediate immunity from criticism, investigation, and prosecution.
  10. Sounds like it’s time for a White House Beer Summit. By the way, anybody remember how many “Czars” that B O had? Sounds suspiciously like Russian influence, does it not. Oh, he was so cool... and dreamy.
  11. NSFW, NSFW, NSFW. Oh, did I tell you it’s NSFW.
  12. Watch at 50 seconds in: Pennington on a washed up Robinson.
  13. And every time he carries the ball he scores a touchdown apparently.
  14. Bill Clinton grew frustrated after teeing off several times and slicing the ball severely. He asked his Scottish caddy for advice. “Ye got aye piece ‘o shyte on the end ‘o yer club.” A little taken aback, Clinton takes out a towel and cleans off the driver’s club head. “Nay. The odder end!” said the caddy.
  15. BUT DON’T BRING FREDO!!!!! I nearly wet myself. ? Lol Lol ? ?
  16. Stone is guilty without a doubt and he brought it upon himself. He does deserve to serve time in jail, but 9 ***** years is ***** ridiculous. He also didn't deserve the treatment he got - especially how he was arrested. He got more iron on his face than El Chapo did.
  17. You’re delusional. I already explained to you that it won’t and can’t happen and why.
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