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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. This is my kind of flash mob.
  2. Double hoax!
  3. Day #2 of this epic demonstration in the District. Have they accomplished any of their goals yet?
  4. If PrimeTime is my HC, I’m changing my major to Underwater Basket Weaving.
  5. ***** the Phins. I hate them.
  6. You can run, but you can’t hide you descendant of slave owners. How many African women slaves bore children from your scummy German descendant slave owners?
  7. He’s going to hunt you down a d F ***** K you up!
  8. Except in your analogy, Billicheck and Parcells bought off the refs for the next three SuperBowls. It tilts the game-plane according to any impartial observer.
  9. No one speaks about the black racism that is ingrained in their culture. The lighter skinned blacks, mulattos, and High Yellows (Morehouse graduates) absolutely detest the dark skinned African Americans who they despise because of their more crude facial characteristics. Ask the Chinese or Koreans how they feel (gutturally) about the Japanese. Ask the Japanese how think of the SE Asian populations. Ask the Brahmans what they think about the outcasts (which includes all Westerners). Ask the Poles about their “Ukie” jokes, but don’t share any Pollack jokes with them. It goes on and on. The Native American peoples warred and raised against each other. They pillaged, ransacked, and raped their way to power - albeit mostly they were transient victories. Racism is over rated and under rated simultaneously.
  10. All hail The Hammer. lt’s what pulled us out of the tents and caves.
  11. The world is populated by tribes of peoples. Most of them hate all the other tribes. It’s the DNA of mankind. Deal with it.
  12. Couldn’t happen to a better bunch of smug-assed a-holes. I lived there for 25 years.
  13. His father Steve was the HC at The Naval Academy and had Bill scouting at 12.
  14. Great news Thirdborn. Go Gus! Hope you’re all doing well.
  15. Well, considering that they never had a “Ring of Honor” up there before now, it’s easy to see how you wouldn’t have noticed it.
  16. The shooter is shorter than the Cop car and likely to weigh about 75 lbs. it’s gotta be a teenager and likely a female (traditionally speaking of course).
  17. “Drooling Joe Biden.”
  18. I heard it was just a virulent case of spinalvaginitis.
  19. Or this rare beauty:
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