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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. and understandable:
  2. And just where in the hell are the JESTS going to come up with that kind of cash? Exactly.
  3. This is what the intolerant leftist do. They **** on diversity if it's something they don't like. They want choice except when it comes to public schools, guns, healthcare insurance, and religious choice. Their religion is the government, and it must be worshiped daily with every breath we take.
  4. They're doing that here in the Princeton public schools too. It's the latest rage. It's the asbestos scare/hysteria all over again. Makes parents nervous.
  5. Now she supports "Obamacare" for illegal immigrants. What a country!
  6. It's actually the K-159. It sank off the Russian coast in 2003. The photo is from beore that sinking. Read about it here: http://barentsobserver.com/en/security/2013/08/ten-years-no-plan-lift-sunken-nuclear-sub-28-08
  7. Well, that kind of commitment certainly deserves a reward! I took the liberty of making you a new avatar that matches your new found man love for Wolf. Here ya go...
  8. I understand, Mead. I really do.
  9. You're mistaken. You obviously meant James Brown.
  10. Sure, but we'll still have the worst cap space in The League because I heard that the Giants, Dolphins, Jets, Jaguars, Packers, Seahawks, Texans, Chiefs, Cowboys, Ravens, and Eagles are all going to go out of business after this season.
  11. I was wrong. There are millions of feet of lead pipe in our water systems. The Detroit Free Press has a decent article on it.
  12. Can I buy a carriage return or perhaps a couple of dozen?
  13. Wonder if they'll make Arabic their fourth national language.
  14. That's shows he's pro-immigration.
  15. Lead pipes. There are thousands of miles of lead pipes in the water delivery systems across our nation. Most are in the cities.
  16. Weren't they looking at splicing a frog's gene into a tomato to give it a longer shelf life? I think those kinds of GE are what some people get the hebegeebees about. Frankenfruits, Zombieveggies.
  17. When he "hits the market", the market will hit him back.
  18. Jeez. Two years out of kallage and he's reaching for his binky/security blanket. Philly fans must be delighted he's obsessing elsewhere now.
  19. This is why a grand jury must be convened. This appears to be an egregious assault on national security - because the great entitled one wanted to do things in secret and not leave a messy trail that could expose her behind-the-scenes machinations. I don't believe she's stupid. I do believe she is evil.
  20. No. It's what leftists called a flipflop - which is as useful as a hammer to smash your opponents teeth with. That's what they do, although they're now using evolution - which is so progressive a concept - to describe how they can jettison a belief or value and morph into something more accommodating to their oh so well educated friends.
  21. You know. It's important to win Free Agency.
  22. Exactly! Massively good ideas!
  23. How tolerant! How Hillary-like.
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