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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. You could be right. No wonder his avatar is in black and white.
  2. I thought the NY State Thruway was responsible for ending slavery.
  3. Meanwhile, in Argentina... Demonstrators in Buenos Aires protest against President Barack Obama's state visit, which coincides with an anniversary of a military coup backed by the U.S. But he did the tango. Olé!
  4. This is the stick of her carrot and stick approach. The carrot will be that she and Bill go on a speaking tour where they get paid $250,000 per speech in which they'll tell ISIS et al how much good they're doing in the world, by fighting against those evil dictators who have suppressed them for centuries.
  5. Oh, please. Not that. It would be like taking the coco out of chocolate, the fat out of butter, the octane out of gasoline, the rubber out of tires, the slaves out of slavery, the base out of baseball... you know, it just wouldn't be the same.
  6. Well it's a good thing it didn't say "spades" isn't it? Me too. They need some Preparation T for what ails them so.
  7. I would be shocked and disappointed if The Bills pick a WR at 19 in Round 1. Treadwell might be okay - if they are able to trade down and pick up some more picks this year. That's a big "if", and probably a bigger "might".
  8. :wallbash: Hyman Roth :wallbash:
  9. And don't forget Simon Roth's lost millions.
  10. One might assume that chalking "Clinton" or "Bernie" would cause the poor dears no such pain and discomfort.
  11. Here's some innarestin' stuff on our big subs:
  12. And W was criticized for reading a book to children in grammar school on 911 and not immediately coming back to the District. B.O. is lauded for watching a baseball game with Castro while the European Capital is attacked by these monsters. Then again, he took off to California for fund raising the morning after his Libyan Ambassador and three other Americans were savagely murdered.
  13. How old will the witch be? Just looked it up. He's 63. The WWoftheW is 68!
  14. So Kasich leverages that to become the presumptive candidate in 2020?
  15. Why has George Soros given John Kasich $700,000? I think that's an excellent question. "Soros Fund Management, Kasich’s sixth highest individual donor, gave him $202,700; the Duquesne Family Office, run by Stanley Druckenmiller, who manages $2 billion of Soros’ hedge funds, gave $150,000; Druckenmiller himself gave Kasich’s New Day for America $150,000; and Scott Bessent, who was Soros' chief investment manager until late last year, gave Kasich $200,000." A week ago, Kasich's campaign was running out of cash. Now he's running an anti Cruz ad in Utah showing where Romney "supported" him. Romney has since endorsed Cruz. The mind reels.
  16. B. O. fits right in there. He stole the property of the GM bond holders just like his hero Fidel did to the land and factory owners when he seized power. What are the chances we see his kids dressed in Che tee-shirts soon?
  17. We won the Iraq war. Obama retreated when the country was relatively stable - but it remained insecure. Hillary and B.O. destabilized the middle east by overthrowing Qaddafi which made Libya a fertile petri dish for ISIS to incubate in. They reveled in the Arab Spring - which nearly toppled the Egyptian government. They love and respect Iran. If we had turned tail and ran after defeating Germany in WWII, Stalin would have taken over all the land up to the Rhine. Why do you think we stayed? Why do we still have troops stationed there? It's been 70 years since that war concluded. Obama couldn't wait 70 weeks.
  18. Liberals are book banners.
  19. enveloping slug-like creatures in a wrapping of
  20. Well this was news to me. Fortunately, I avoided this entire imbroglio because I retired from work last week.
  21. So is Rappaport a hot candidate to become an NFL Head Coach in 2017 too?
  22. and that he wasn't W. It was as much a F-U to W than anything the future drone assassin in chief had accomplished. Of course they have a grand tradition of supporting Nazis in both Finland and Sweden.
  23. Yes. Basil's Legends Lamb Chop House. We haven't eaten there in quite awhile, since they did a complete make-over of the place and changed the name, to Legends Grille. But your post made me look them up and it seems like it's the same family that runs it now. Will have to go again soon. The lamb chops were great and the grilled octopus... outstanding!
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