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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. I got some sort of cold or other virus and went to the Dr. He said the flu vaccine from last year was not specific for the strain that actually hit - therefore there was widespread influenza in the population. He said that this year's formula was specific for the strain that hit - so there are fewer cases of flu this year. I'm not buying that. I've been coughing for nearly eight weeks with this crap. The first three weeks were horrible. I've never had a cold like this one. It just lingers on and on.
  2. Wonder how he popped his knee. Best of luck to you, Scott Chandler.
  3. Bet he flys at 20 mph and runs stop signs. Congrats on keeping young though.
  4. Oh ****! That's where I left them.
  5. We've also lost the ability to withstand another severe recession. The fiscal future of the country is in shambles.
  6. Yes. Absolutely. She's rich and the poor people deserve to have some of her wealth, well not all of it - but most of it. It's only fair.
  7. What if José couldn't see by the dawn's early light?
  8. Are forceps and scalpels involved?
  9. I dunno. It'll be innaresting to see. But (IMO) there has to be a significant trauma that Chuck experiences that damages his psyche. And something makes Jimmy end up totally devoted to Chuck's care - until he finally has enough of being treated like dirt and bolts. Maybe Chuck does just slip into becoming EM sensitive on his own and his wife takes a hike. That scenario would likely have to play out over time and this setting seems to be in too short a time frame for her to get fed up with his condition and go off in a huff - never to be mentioned again in the show. What makes her unmentionable? Agreed. Gilligan is far more clever a writer than I, and he has the advantage of knowing the plot line's development. The timeline of Gus and the Cartel is playing out simultaneously with Jimmy's evolution into Saul. I think that whatever Mike does next will cause Gus to take notice of him, whether that's cracking Hector's spine or not. What we do know is the cousins remain unharmed, Hector somehow becomes wheelchair bound - and mute, and we don't see Nacho in BB. Is it Monday night yet?
  10. I see them definitely taking a QB at 19, unless of course they pick a DB there. Then again, I feel strongly they'll go DT, however they could go LB or even DE. Safety is still a concern so they might go there at 19, still they could use another RB and might use that pick to hedge against Shady's impending 10 year jail sentence for giving lip to the Philly cops thing. So, that said, I honestly believe their pick at 19 will be the kicker from that school in Florida.
  11. Yeah, but just think of the good it did for all the haters to come here and vent their spleen about the guy. They must have felt pretty satisfied for a few minutes. Such is life in the off-season. So many zits to pop. So many boils to lance. Pent up poison is explosive.
  12. If chalk is outlawed, only outlaws will have chalk.
  13. I knew he was having a breakdown when he started having female avatars. I think he was undergoing shock treatments.
  14. Olof Pilar... Greatest player in U of R history. An article in the D&C had NFL scouts trying to visit the campus to try him out. It was 1967 or so. Never gets old.
  15. What if Lady Madonna was a man?
  16. Mead, you're missing out. Trust us. Well, if true, I hope for Tom's sake that the helmet spike is made of foam. It definitely points to a coming conflict. This we know: Hector becomes paraplegic in BB. But Gus is dealing with the Cartel before that happens. Hector's nephews are healthy during this time. Maybe Mike does manage to take that shot and that's one of the reasons Gus hires him. I wonder what happens to Chuck's wife. She's obviously dead, and that's likely what sent him over the cliff. Kim and Jimmy just aren't meant to be a real couple. Wonder how she gets written out of his life. Will we ever see the money laundering mama with the death-eyes of a Great White from S1 again? I think Gilligan could roll out a spin-off mini-series about her. Loved the bagpipes by the way. Note to self: If you ever hear of one that wants to get fired from their office job - recommend they try practicing playing the pipes at work.
  17. What if Pete Best remained The Beatles drummer?
  18. Why worry? Volcanoes will save us. #SO2
  19. I think they all starved to death on Revis Island while awaiting rescue.
  20. Throw in the Westboro Baptist bastards and you could get a scene like that from R. Crumb: "Will Ruby the Dyke trade Jocko the hostage for a bag full of smelly peckers?"
  21. Eye ain't know waze tarred. Whare eye cum frum de daze am long and haard.
  22. Let's trade with NewEngland***. We can take both their 2nds and next year's First.
  23. Sanders: "Trump has got to get on the TV and tell his supporters that violence in the political process in America is not acceptable. End of discussion." Moderator: "Some of your supporters in Chicago were acting violently as well. And I have to say, the guy that rushed the stage yesterday - at Donald Trump - voted for you." Sanders: "The people that voted for me... if I have to take responsibility for everybody that voted for me, it would be a very difficult life." Hey Bernie - F uck you and your double standard. Signed, Not a Trump Supporter and not a huge fan of yours either.
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