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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Aaaaaaand that reminds me of a song...
  2. Not quite. Obviously, it will be revealed in time that the reason he obviously skipped the first day of voluntary workouts is that he obviously was huddled with his defense team as they prepared for the obviously impending indictment on 2nd degree attempted murder charges stemming from the obviously vicious assault on uniformed policemen at Recess in Philadelphia. Obviously. Plus crafting a defense against the 15 game suspension that Pete Rozelle is going to throw at him, obviously.
  3. The Eagles will be Cleveland's trading partner.
  4. I certainly hope not. He's no JJ Watt.
  5. Hence New Hampshire's state motto: "Live free... or wine".
  6. Yes. Please. Get thee hence... the fat lady is warming up...
  7. How magnanimous of Roger the Great. He doles out justice like a Vegas slot machine.
  8. Well that's just tragic.
  9. Conner? Conner?? Have we entered a time warp again?
  10. I won't be able to get to sleep tonight Mead.
  11. Zuckerberg takes shots at Trump's wall. Okay then, Zuckerberg buys 4 neighboring houses... for "privacy". Life is so splendid when you're a billionaire and can tell everyone else how to live their lives.
  12. Oh, so it's like nigga! I get it.
  13. Definitely the best player on the Schwäbisch Hall Unicorns!
  14. I would like David Gilmour to play for the Bills.
  15. #coloredpeople'stimematters
  16. Hope springs eternal that McCoy will serve some hard jail time in Eastern State Penitentiary and forfeit at least two years salary to the innocent hapless victims of his hellacious abuse. Do the right thing Roger. Do the right thing! [/#shadytarredandfeatheredonarailouttatowncrowd]
  17. Must mean "Colored People Time", as in he had the slows, as Abraham Lincoln would have said.
  18. You are clueless. Pharma pays MDs to do the clinical trials. There is also no cost to the patients in the trials. I told you the rest of the world shafts Americans by refusing to allow new drugs into their formularies except at the arbitrarily dictated prices. Of course it's billions of dollars - and the American consumer is paying for it. You really are a birdbrain. So they didn't teach you ethics in that Med School in Grenada. No surprise.
  19. Figures you wouldn't know. It's the proper term, but I'm sure you're just kidding me, you're so learned. As to "excess dollars" you mean the hundreds of millions of dollars that are sunk costs when drugs have trials run worldwide and fall short of FDA approval causing the companies to walk away with nothing but a financial loss? Those costs? Oh, you mean the payoffs to MDs so they'll prescribe the company's drugs? Pharma reps can't hardly give a Dr. a pen or a coffee cup these days. The number of drugs that are brought to market is a reflection of market forces. Pharms often shut down promising studies because their internal marketing studies foretell they will not recoup the development, packaging, distribution, and marketing costs. Or the patent will run out before they can bring it to market and the jackal generic manufacturers will copy their intellectual property without doing a pennies worth of R&D. That's fair. The NIH does sponsor drug discovery already.
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