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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear!
  2. I support Mother Nature's cure for global warming... volcanoes. What we need are a few really good eruptions. That'll cool things down. Lord knows, we'll never get anywhere by asking people to use their cars and air conditioners less, yet alone electrical appliances.
  3. 735 - Okay person, pretty clueless Projected fate: Free subscription to Trump Magazine Sounds about right.
  4. I think The New School For Social Research is a subversive organization.
  5. Terrorist don't kill people, silly. We killed all those people, every single one. There are no terrorists in the world, yet alone the Middle East. Obama made it so. And he gave plants electrolytes. It's what they crave.
  6. Once Hillary leave office, the Democrat party will become the Socialist party. It's Bernie's crowd that is the future of that party. Maybe they won't actually rename it the "Socialist" party, but the "Entitled" party probably captures their essence pretty well.
  7. The Draft used to be a free for all where 1st rounders made huge coin, and many of the top picks were total busts. The Rookie wage scale makes a lot of sense.
  8. Way more vague would be the Howard Johnson featuring 1 flavor in Blazing Saddles. But that would be too obscure.
  9. Exactly. Trump trumps Obama in the thin-skinned, reservoir-tip department by a mile.
  10. I thought Stretch Pelosi would be all for putting a slave on a federal reserve note.
  11. Hummana hummana hummana Huma! Na-na-na-na-nah!
  12. When does NY State get Florida's climate?
  13. This calls for something special...
  14. Nonsense. We haven't healed, matured, and transformed as a nation until we can put Osam Bin Laden's likeness on the one dollar bill and replace "in God we trust" with "allahu akbar".
  15. Maybe Cleveland can pry Matt Cassel away from the Titans.
  16. Yes, and he has a lot of fun doing it too.
  17. Yep. It's a done deal - Iggles now are at the #2 spot.
  18. Waiting for threads calling for what The Bills would have to give Philly to move up to #2 now.
  19. That's awesome. We haven't done that in my family in over 150 years.
  20. "Visits all wrapped up"??? https://twitter.com/TyDunne/status/722819842592473088 Jim Monos on draft visits: "We've targeted guys we're interested in. We don't just bring them in to bring them in."
  21. They should have shown "Blazing Saddles" instead. No social controversy in that movie.
  22. Let's all remember Brooklyn when the Dems charge voter fraud in the general election.
  23. Outstanding Meazza. Outstanding!
  24. Mock Paxton Lynch? Okay, not sure why, but here goes. Hey Paxton... what the hell kind of name is Paxton? You a sissy mommy's boy, huh?
  25. That Whaley doesn't know what he's doing after the 2nd round. Too bad for Tony. Good luck to you young man.
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