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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. "following the recount of a limited number of precincts" Guess it was just too much to do a total recount - just do those pesky few where it was uber close. #MUSTSTOPTHEBERNATALLCOSTS!
  2. The USA is a remarkable Western country in that it has never had a viable Socialist party. When - not if - Bernie gets screwed again, I think that will change. The far leftist loonies will splinter off into the American Socialist party. The young proponents of Socialism will join in and deny the Democrat party the “feeder” stream of new voters to their ranks. The old Dem party will shrink and suffer. Many of the moderate blue collar Dems are already in the Republican tent. Historians may look back on Trump as the greatest iconoclast in the history of the world. He defeated the Bush Family machine, the Clinton family machine, the Deep State machine, and split the Democrat party in two. All this was/will be accomplished by him simply challenging us all to Make America Great Again. It was genius. The Dems had no answer other than to soil their pantaloons in public.
  3. Not sure if I posted this already.
  4. He should be arrested along with the rest of the NYC Council. They've been idling for years.
  5. Based on this: It'd look like this...
  6. I was thinking that the top two three seeds would get a bye. It wasn't making sense. Thanks. That does work - unlike my brain before a second cup of coffee.
  7. Explain how a 7 team playoff structure works. Three wild cards and the lowest rated division winner play the first week. That leaves five playoff teams remaining. Please take it from there.
  8. Bob Hope did. Kennedy cut the rates and got rid of a lot of the loopholes. People should Duck Duck Go Billy Sol Estes.
  9. Eddie Haskell No. You’re wrong about that. All 150 million occurred in the Bush administration. None happened during Saint BO’s regime. Joe wouldn’t have allowed it. Time for this guy who has had two brain aneurysms to leave the stage permanently. Anyone else notice that after the break CBS rushes in reinforcements for the moderators who were completely incompetent in the first half. This was another shut show of the first order and an object lesson in how the Dems are incapable of behaving like civilized debaters yet alone fit to govern.
  10. CNN will go out of business after Trump leaves office in 4 1/2 years.
  11. It's time once again...
  12. Duke Estate Eagle Cam They've got two again this year. They've been doing this broadcast for over a decade. Eagles are great.
  13. Good luck, and keep it going. Cigarettes are really terrible for your health.
  14. For your viewing pleasure... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJCY5ORqdH0
  15. How's the research doing on using pot to cure the corona virus?
  16. Without evidence, MSNBC pounces!
  17. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/11/feds-drop-charges-against-jane-sanders-after-she-bankrupts-university/ Of course he got the charges dropped. $10 million in fraud, bankrupted the school and it closed. https://truepundit.com/rigged-fbi-clears-bernie-sanders-wife-of-bank-fraud/ Jane Sanders, the wife of Sen. Bernie Sanders, was in trouble with the FBI for bankrupting a college and also securing a $10 million real estate deal in the process. Bernie blamed this investigation on President Trump, but this was done under Barack Obama. Jane allegedly defrauded the bank with false claims of assets to secure a loan. That is a crime. Socialist Bernie and his wife are both laughing tonight! They are laughing at us, the little people in America, who would be indicted tonight, on the things that Bernie’s wife did. Once again, we are shown that there is a two-tier system of justice in America. Think of the people who lost their jobs because of Jane – yet the Sanders now boasts three large homes and Jane has $200,000.
  18. And so we see he's perfectly qualified to run as the head of the Democrat ticket.
  19. I like what Cruz said about that. Something to the effect that it’s nice to know when you’re killing people that they know how to read and write.
  20. There are no birds. They've been eaten.
  21. A good book on the subject is Nina Wilmer's "Forty Autumns: A Family's Story of Courage and Survival on Both Sides of the Berlin Wall." It chronicles a forty year history of their family, one of which escaped to the West. It talks about the fear they all had of the Stazi - who were worse than the Russian's KGB.
  22. Russia meddling in our elections again. Oh my!
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