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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Bart's last game as a JEST was a thumping by The Bills. This story begs the question... where is Jim Leonhard? He was a translator of Ryanese too.
  2. Good work by the front office. Glad he's signed. Hope it gives us some cap space.
  3. Nice win for The Bern last night. Shows what contempt Hillary has for the voters. She ran zero ads in Indiana and didn't campaign there.
  4. Greg F must be Greg Farouk.
  5. Sheldon Silver gets 12 years for corruption that netted him $4million. Can't wait for Cuomo to receive a similar fate. Farging corrupt ex-head of HUD which was at the center of the 2008 financial meltdown.
  6. wanna save money? do away with college libraries. the internet has all that information and more. wanna save money? do away with college campuses. virtual universities are the future. wanna save money? do away with liberal arts classes. they're useless for the most part. wanna save money? do away with ridiculous curricula. no one needs to study #subjects. wanna save money? do away with overpriced universities. take the first two years at a jcc.
  7. It's not fascination, I assure you. It's an obsession. The mere mention of EJ brings it out like saying Palin! Bush! on PPP.
  8. That's Ginger. Not Flacco. Or can't you tell the difference?
  9. Go for it. It could be good for a laugh. At this time of year in a presidential campaign, the cadence and rhythm as well as the embedded talking points for each candidate are well established and become part of the pro forma decorations of each campaign. I can actually hear her speak those words and in such a run-on manner in a rush to get out her salvo on her supporters. She's like an MG42 of progressive talking points.
  10. I'm sad too. It's not a direct quote from him, but I can clearly hear him say those words along with the redundancies in my head. Maybe I could write speeches for him.
  11. Ya want to buy a carriage return? Ah yes. The infamous JJ Watt pick 6 play. Well, here it is again, in all it's glory. Please watch. At the snap, the OLB drops back into coverage, and #66 Henderson stupidly skips in place and does nothing as Watt shoots past him on the outside. Likewise, Chandler takes off for his usual spot deep downfield - about two yards past the LOS - and does nothing to impede Watt's progress. It's like neither one of them were there to put a chip on Watt. And, of course what about Fred? He also takes off toward the flat - I'm pretty sure he was EJ's #1 read on that play and well, he also goes by Watt like he's just a shadow. So JJ gets a standing start and a free run to EJ, he makes an easy leap up to intercept the ball and the rest is his-to-wah! I'm sure that Hack-at-it and Maroon still have this play in their arsenal.
  12. Wait to hear her campaigning in Kalifornia after the WVA primary is history and she has their votes in her purse. It'll be, "We gotta end carbon based fuel burning and put all of those criminal power generating plants out of business for the sake of our childrenandtheplanetbecausetherepublicanswanttogivebigbusinessandthebigbankstaxbreakswhileshuttingoffwelfareandclosingourborderstothoseimmigrantswhowanttocomehereforabetterlifeforthemsndtheirfamiliessowehavetofightagainstwallstreetandsticktogethertodefeatthisunamericanbehavioronceandforall.
  13. Well, that and one party thinks it's job is to be Santa Claus and has the other party now trying to become elves. The high priest of the American Cargo Cult will simply be passing the baton to another fully indoctrinated "progressive" dedicated to the proposition that all votes can be bought - or at least enough votes to win - if the pandering with false promises and carefully targeted demonization of people who don't believe that government should be at the center of our lives and the main source of our well being, is continually promoted by all means possible.
  14. The same John Elway who traded up in the first round for Tim Tebow? THAT John Elway? He knows his QB talent!
  15. The only question in my mind wrt Shady is will he self-destruct (on or off the field) before the last year in his contract. And make no mistake, that will be the end of his career as a Bill. Either his self-destruction or when his current contract runs out.
  16. I couldn't agree more, Promo. I got up and turned away from the tube after that last turnover and score. To me it was the J.P. Losman game at Jacksonville Thanksgiving weekend Sunday in 2007 all over again. That game tore it for me wrt JP. Same with the London game for EJ. I wish him well, and unlike probably half or more of the folks here, I don't know that this will be his last season as a Bill. They're just not going to pay him like a starter.
  17. They're gonna be so uge, I'm tellin' you they're gonna be unbelievable. Insurance companies are gonna be canceling, insurance companies are gonna be canceling. The insurance companies are gonna be cancelling healthcare policies. Hundreds and hundreds of thousands of them Millions even perhaps. Insurance companies are gonna be canceling these policies because Obamacare doesn't work. It doesn't work. It doesn't work for them, and it doesn't work for Americans who need healthcare. Millions and millions of Americans need healthcare and now they're gonna have their insurance cancelled. They're gonna have their insurance canceled, or they can't afford to pay for it. Either way it's a loser. Obamacare is a loser. Obamacare is a loser. Now I don't want to have people dying in the streets. We can't have people dying in the streets. Now wait. Once I'm elected, I'm gonna make America great again. It will be so beautiful. America is gonna be great again, and we won't have people dying in the streets. I can tell you that.
  18. You're welcome. After coming on strong like an azzhat, I tried to make amends. Good luck with your posting.
  19. EJ could still be here in 2017 and beyond. He's just not getting hot money for doing it. I could see him sticking around. He might not get a lot of chances elsewhere.
  20. "Mr Swift told the Daily Telegraph the idea of evening the playing field by encouraging all parents to read to their kids was not discussed." Of course not. The Progressive idea isn't to raise the sea level. It's to bring down the bar to the lowest common denominator. Next up - two parent families will have to pay an extra tax because by staying together they're unfairly advantaging their children to the detriment of women who get knocked up and the father(s) of their kid(s) take(s) a hike. It's just not fair, I tell ya. It's just not fair.
  21. 32 is the best number for a RB, hands down.
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