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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. This. I remember when Davis was drafted. I wanted The Bills to get him. We took CJ instead. Then in Round 2 to compound our idiocy, we took Torell Troup... one pick ahead of Gronk.
  2. I think he wants to be a starter and get starter money. I don't think The Bills are looking at him for that.
  3. I'm pretty sure this is right on the mark, and that's why Rex was non-committal about him. He would be good depth, but if he sees himself as a starter... it's well, a non-starter. common man! how long youse been around hear? you learn nuttin?
  4. You can roll your own wrt text formatting and emoticons. You have to bracket the text you want bolded using the letter b encased in square brackets before the text you want bolded. Then you end with a slash b encased in square brackets. The server and html do the rest. [ b ] text text text [ / b ] but remove the spaces. Same thing with emoticons. Next time you're not on a mobile device, click on "Show All" and you'll see the code to use for whatever smiley you want to use. They get bracketed with colons. : thumbsup : For the record, have never had Vietnamese fish sauce wings. Is that the same sauce as Chinese "Fish Sauce"?
  5. So you're saying he's the anti-CJ Spiller. I have a hunch this is where he'll end up.
  6. This bee gonna sting some defenses this year!
  7. Bad jobs report too. The U.S. economy added the fewest number of jobs in seven months in April and Americans dropped out of the labor force in droves, signs of weakness that left economists anticipating only one interest rate hike from the Federal Reserve this year. Nonfarm payrolls increased by 160,000 jobs last month as construction employment barely rose and the retail sector shed jobs for the first time since December 2014, the Labor Department said on Friday. April's job gains were the smallest since September and below the first-quarter average job growth of 200,000. Adding to the report's soft tone, employers added 19,000 fewer jobs in February and March than previously reported.
  8. That's some very fine reporting Blokes.
  9. Mo Bo was the first draftee to sign. Hate to have the name Wendell. Wendell Smallwood - sounds like a character from Leave it to Beaver.
  10. He's not the only one. I posted this in another thread. "Stay away, Giants: Scout's scating take on once 'No. 1 pick'" “He’s the one everybody — I shouldn’t say everybody — you talk to people in the league, they’re not as high on him as these clowns on their computers in their basements who maybe watched one game on YouTube and think they know the answers,’’ Dan Shonka, general manager and national scout for Ourlads’ NFL Scouting Services, told The Post. “He can’t block people crossing his face, he’s technique-poor. Here’s how stupid people are: They say, ‘He had a great workout at the combine.’ Well, he didn’t do anything at the combine but on-the-field drills. He was fresh. All the other guys went through real rigorous, the 40s, the vertical, the long jump, they did all that, everything, and he didn’t do crap and some of these clowns out there say, ‘Well, he had a great workout.’ Well, all those other guys would have had great workouts too if they weren’t so tired.’’
  11. Yolo, you get back out there and sweep the Intarwebs for news on Slauson!
  12. WOW! Can't imagine how deeply this must affect Rex - the player's coach. Instant bonding.
  13. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if she tapped Colin Powell for Veep.
  14. Where is he? Has he signed yet?
  15. At least make sure the streets are cleared of snow!
  16. So these "exptensions" for Glenn, Gilmore, and TT The Bills are working on are expensive extensions? Just Kidding 26CB.
  17. Obviously, Brandt thought The Bills scoring defense was worse than it was at 22.4 ppg. He probably was thinking of the Jints who were in the 27 ppg range. Once somebody whispered in his ear that a seven point swing would make them the second best scoring defense, he edited his comment.
  18. Holy moly. He and Cogs would be on the All-Pro Tats team for sure. We'd have two All-Pro Tats Guards! Yes indeedy! Very interesting. I think he'll find a very nice home with The Bills.
  19. True, cuts don't count. But what I was referring to is a quote from Chris Brown on the April 30th, John Murphy show: beginning at 8:48, he and Murph talk about "signing FA 'outside' of the signing window" which apparently is something that Baltimore and other teams are very adept at. Brown says that Whales will attempt to use that by being patient and getting fill-in unsigned FA players that won't count against getting compensatory picks. I was not aware there was such an opportunity to add players and effectively shelter whatever compensatory picks you'll get for next year. But it requires patience. Sounds like the FO is getting smarter. .
  20. They're already working on it Promo...
  21. I thought "Virtual Reality" was what we suffered through last year.
  22. http://assets.aarp.org/www.aarp.org_/cs/gap/ldrstudy_prescdrugs.pdf From the above AARP study: Another key public policy consideration related to prescription drugs is pricing. U.S. prescription drug prices are essentially unregulated; 3 pharmaceutical manufac- turers are free to set any price they want for their products. In principle, market mechanisms such as competition, discounts, and rebates may help to moderate drug prices, but the impact of the market can be subtle. Pharmaceutical manufacturers segment the brand-name prescription drug market by charging different prices to different clients, just as the airline industry charges different prices to different fare classes. 4 Drug manufacturers use differential pricing to compensate for income dif- ferences across countries and to adjust for regulatory payment systems, with some national system payment systems limiting the prices companies may charge. The U.S. pays the highest prices and bears the greatest portion of the global burden of R&D costs for developing new products. Although prescription drug price regula- tions are national, prescription drug development and industry benefits are global. Numerous studies have compared brand-name drug prices in the U.S. with prices in other countries. More recently, as prescription drug prices have continued to increase, more sophisticated analyses have confirmed that Americans, to varying degrees, appear to pay higher drug prices than consumers in other countries. 5 Therefore, important unanswered questions include, how much higher are U.S. prescription drug prices than drug prices in other countries? and, what value does the U.S. economy get for bearing these higher prices?" The US is unregulated wrt drug pricing - unlike most of the rest of the world. Their Formularies dictate the prices they will purchase drugs at. Think of them as our FDA - but also the purchaser of drugs, or at least the price-setter of drugs for their country/countries. So, when they say, "We'll pay you $3.00 per pill," and the expense to bring the drug to market is $5.00 per pill, who do you think picks up the tab for the R&D? There's nobody left but the American consumer. In the article there is also a blurb about the need to fund the research, and if those costs aren't recoverable, it would have a negative impact on future research... just like removing the patents from medicines. Sounds great, but why would any company spend hundreds of millions of dollars developing a drug that they would have to hand over to the jackal generic manufacturers?
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