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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. He gave everyone in the division a B except the Pats* whom he gave a D+ to.
  2. Pharmas could refuse to sell their products to certain markets. But who does that hurt, especially when they can recover their costs by simply putting it in the price that the US consumers pay. But that's ridiculous. Like disease, the issues are more complex than simply thinking generics are the be all wrt drug pricing. Most pharmas are global entities. Maybe the FDA should tell the likes of Sanofi, Astra Zeneca, and Glaxo Smith Kline that they can't sell their drugs here for a penny more than they get for them in Canada, or Europe.
  3. Progressives! They're progressing to this:
  4. Hey, I hate Pete Carrol as much as you do... Bill Parcells too.
  5. Sweet! That must have been a thrill. Good for you... and thanks for picking Listenbee.
  6. Whew! Maybe he'll announce his retirement the Saturday evening before the Season opener in September. That'll teach 'em to mess with Sam!
  7. Is it too early or too late to begin obsessing about this need?
  8. At last. The voice of reason. The Bills never pick QBs, they're QB Draft averse! Damn! The Bills picked up a development QB - they shoulda traded up to #1 in the first so they could pick a sure-thing franchise QB. Nothing brings out the eternal optimists and pessimists more than the annual NFL Draft. Did I say draft? That reminds me of this:
  9. Lucky for B. O. and the Pimple of Rhodes the article was published in the NY Times Magazine. No one reads that except the sycophantic left who are conditioned to understand "Bush Bad, Obama Good", and a few conservatives that like human interest stories but their voices are never heard except on The Drum that is the Intarwebs.
  10. I'm much more short sighted than most, and what I want to see as an eyeball measure of TTs improvement at QB is far, far fewer 3 and outs. He needs to put up a lot more sustained drives throughout games. I don't care how they end up moving the chains, but they have to sustain drives a lot better than they did last year. Repeated 3 and outs drags your Defense down and gives the opponent more time with the ball and more chances to put their foot on your neck. The Bills should be the ones stepping on people's throats. #BuildaBully Edit: just looked it up on ProFootballReference. The Bills went 3 and out 50 times last year. Here's a linky thingy. On those 50 fruitless drives, they gained an average of 1.4 yards and took 1:32 off the clock. Let's hope they improve on that. Water, I think he tweeted that when he heard Cordy's Glenn got extended on May 5th.
  11. Yep. Shaq's an edge setter and can rush the passer. Our run D should be tough this year. Rags can punish and mop up runners too. I see Striker as our SS. He's an excellent blitzer. I'd love to see him light up Edelman a few times.
  12. Magox, let me distill this to what I regard as the essence of the argument. If you reduce the patent period - what affect do you honestly believe that would have on the price of new drugs? You think they'll stay the same, go down, or go up?
  13. I'll say one thing though about some of our new LBs and DLinemen... they wrap 'em up and knock 'em down! I've never been a fan of the pinball "tackle" that so many DBs use. It seems that about 1/3 of the time the receiver gets bounced forward for additional yards.
  14. Hey. If ham sandwiches are banned, only criminals will have ham sandwiches.
  15. I don't care to get into a jousting match with you on this subject. But I will respond to at least one of your linked articles. http://www.sjsu.edu/faculty/watkins/pharma.htm Can you tell us how long the patent life remains in place after FDA approval? If a drug was discovered and patented, then run through Phase II and III clinical trials. On average how much of the 17 year patent life remains? How many drugs are brought through Phase II trials and abandoned because the FDA didn't approve or their own trials failed to show a superior result to another treatment? If "during the patent period the company has a protected monopoly and hence does not face competition" is true, why did Bayer bother to develop and produce Levitra and Eli Lilly make Cialis, when the patent on Viagra was still in place? Huh? They're different compounds that address the same issue. "Pharmaceutical companies characterize price controls in Canada as free riding. These price controls are free riding only in a special sense. They do not result in higher prices in the U.S. because those prices are not cost-driven. The Canadian price controls are only free-riding in that they reduce the bonanaza that pharmaceutical companies are pursuing to get the patent, and hence reduce the the resources pharmaceutical companies are willing to devote to the research and thus could slow the development of new remedies to the world's ailments. " Nice to know these researchers think that US prices are not cost-driven when they bear nearly the full cost of R&D. Their bias is clearly revealed in the next sentence where they say price restrictions in other countries only reduce the bonanza to pharmas. The rest of their run-on sentence is drivel and reminiscent of a drunken rant along by yours truly. But it does illustrate the stance of the generic manufacturers. They're the jackals of that industry. They do no R&D and seek their fortune by capitalizing on the intellectual efforts of others who have spent billions of dollars and years of work to research, discover, develop, and test products across the globe. They devote no resources to discovery. They bring no new medicines to the world. Treatment of diseases in humans is not a simple matter. It's not a one size fits all. What works for one group of people might not at all for another - or worse yet could be harmful to them. So companies develop similar medicines for the same ailments. That's competition. They race to get approvals, because of a basic marketing principle - "First to Market!" Positioning as #1 is huge in any industry. "Me too" usually doesn't fare as well in the market - hence the B2C advertising. It's called "Awareness".
  16. And don't forget about climate change. The world's problems would vanish if we could just cool the planet over time. Say, a degree or two per century.
  17. Magox, you don't know what your are talking about. Let me leave it at that.
  18. She's got about as much influence as a Simba has on a hooker high on crack who's preparing to be the guest at a bukakke party.
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