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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Sure. They get paid to do research. They're not being bought. They're scientists looking to help cure diseases that impact the human condition.
  2. An open can of anchovies and a brick of sharp Parmesan cheese will do the trick too. Less fuss.
  3. Totally shameful: http://youtu.be/yjXWxa2bScU bull ****. Exactly. He can't. Because what I posted was what is going on now.
  4. Great news! Would not mind seeing him wear his college number for The Bills.
  5. It was cold here today. Cold and rainy.
  6. One can only hope Joe. One can only hope. It would be great seeing that crack crazy wide-eyed grin slapped off that mofo's face for good.
  7. Aren't they supposed to be focused on the Zika virus now? Poor dears can't spread themselves too thin. What with investigating Trump and all... there's only so much they can do.
  8. Not sure about the jewels, but there is that silver samovar I've been keeping my eye on for a couple of centuries.
  9. I think that perhaps in 30 years or so society will evolve to such an extent that the President of the United States will declare that all public schools (from grammar school through college) will have to let students and teachers use whichever bathroom facility they wish to, regardless of their personal anatomical bladder releasing mechanism.
  10. "Doctors who got money from drug and device makers—even just a meal– prescribed a higher percentage of brand-name drugs overall than doctors who didn’t, our analysis showed." Doesn't that suggest something to you? So Doctors can be bought for a burger. The only way Doctors get paid by Pharmas is to do clinical trials or other research. MDs get compensated for enrolling and TREATING patients with disease. Often times the patient receives some compensation too, e.g., travel expense in ADDITION to receiving FREE TREATMENT and medical monitoring for the length of the trial - and often for years following the close of the trial. So, let's pretend that you are a Dr. and have been bought and paid for in the above scenario by the evil drug companies. You've conducted a trial and enlisted 20 patients and TREATED them with the DRUG for FREE that the evil drug company supplied you. And, that you've been given $250 per patient you enrolled. You've been bought for $5,000 according to this article. You've monitored these 20 patients for a period of two years and have seen the progression of their disease arrested and perhaps reversed. What would you do for other patients who come to your practice that present with the same disease? Ah, ah, ah Dr. Reddogblitz, don't you dare say you'd write them a script for the medicine that you have a history of successfully treating other patients with. No, you MUST stick to your ethical guns and write them a script for some other medicine just to prove you weren't bought for a burger.
  11. "I can’t believe how far I can see clearly now.” Good luck to you Kevon. Hope you do well.
  12. And they might have been a few more of them. They'd likely have been a few more dead local people too.
  13. I'm struck by the overt arrogance of Andrea Mitchell. Prima facie evidence of the MSM being in the tank for Shrillary.
  14. Which Lawson? And are your expectations drug related? :ph34r:
  15. Congrats Mr. Seymour on signing with The Buffalo Bills. You control your own destiny. Go for it.
  16. He has beady little eyes. Can't trust him.
  17. There's celebration pandemonium!
  18. Dude, the OP for that obviously misspelled symbian but he's either too embarassed or an idiot for not correcting his mistake. If you need to find out what that is, here's a clue... it's not a mobile OS. Think of it as more of a chair kinda thing.
  19. And Zimmer and Striker have a shot at subbing. IMO.
  20. Yeah, this peaked my curiosity, so here's what happened in 2015 including all QB rushing yards. Rk Overall Tm Att Yds Y/G QB Rushing Yds 1 Buffalo Bills 509 2432 152 632 2 Carolina Panthers 526 2282 142.6 636 3 Seattle Seahawks 500 2268 141.8 553 4 Minnesota Vikings 474 2211 138.2 192 5 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 454 2159 134.9 210 6 Kansas City Chiefs 436 2044 127.8 498 7 St. Louis Rams 429 1956 122.3 25 8 Arizona Cardinals 452 1917 119.8 24 9 Dallas Cowboys 408 1888 118 12 10 New York Jets 448 1868 116.8 270 11 Chicago Bears 468 1854 115.9 201 12 Green Bay Packers 436 1850 115.6 344 13 Cincinnati Bengals 467 1805 112.8 173 14 Philadelphia Eagles 443 1743 108.9 61 15 Houston Texans 472 1731 108.2 44 16 Pittsburgh Steelers 388 1724 107.8 123 17 Denver Broncos 411 1718 107.4 55 18 New York Giants 403 1609 100.6 61 19 Atlanta Falcons 421 1606 100.4 63 20 Washington Redskins 429 1566 97.9 48 21 San Francisco 49ers 390 1544 96.5 441 22 Cleveland Browns 380 1529 95.6 361 23 Miami Dolphins 344 1496 93.5 141 24 New Orleans Saints 397 1491 93.2 14 25 Tennessee Titans 371 1485 92.8 260 26 Baltimore Ravens 383 1478 92.4 33 27 Jacksonville Jaguars 354 1473 92.1 310 28 Oakland Raiders 370 1457 91.1 138 29 Indianapolis Colts 396 1438 89.9 235 30 New England Patriots 383 1404 87.8 53 31 San Diego Chargers 393 1358 84.9 28 32 Detroit Lions 354 1335 83.4 159 And here's the ranking after removing ALL QB rushing: Rank w/o QB Tm Att Yds Y/G QB Rushing Yds Net of QB Rushing Yards 1 Minnesota Vikings 474 2211 138.2 192 2019 2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 454 2159 134.9 210 1949 3 St. Louis Rams 429 1956 122.3 25 1931 4 Arizona Cardinals 452 1917 119.8 24 1893 5 Dallas Cowboys 408 1888 118 12 1876 6 Buffalo Bills 509 2432 152 632 1800 7 Seattle Seahawks 500 2268 141.8 553 1715 8 Houston Texans 472 1731 108.2 44 1687 9 Philadelphia Eagles 443 1743 108.9 61 1682 10 Denver Broncos 411 1718 107.4 55 1663 11 Chicago Bears 468 1854 115.9 201 1653 12 Carolina Panthers 526 2282 142.6 636 1646 13 Cincinnati Bengals 467 1805 112.8 173 1632 14 Pittsburgh Steelers 388 1724 107.8 123 1601 15 New York Jets 448 1868 116.8 270 1598 16 New York Giants 403 1609 100.6 61 1548 17 Kansas City Chiefs 436 2044 127.8 498 1546 18 Atlanta Falcons 421 1606 100.4 63 1543 19 Washington Redskins 429 1566 97.9 48 1518 20 Green Bay Packers 436 1850 115.6 344 1506 21 New Orleans Saints 397 1491 93.2 14 1477 22 Baltimore Ravens 383 1478 92.4 33 1445 23 Miami Dolphins 344 1496 93.5 141 1355 24 New England Patriots 383 1404 87.8 53 1351 25 San Diego Chargers 393 1358 84.9 28 1330 26 Oakland Raiders 370 1457 91.1 138 1319 27 Tennessee Titans 371 1485 92.8 260 1225 28 Indianapolis Colts 396 1438 89.9 235 1203 29 Detroit Lions 354 1335 83.4 159 1176 30 Cleveland Browns 380 1529 95.6 361 1168 31 Jacksonville Jaguars 354 1473 92.1 310 1163 32 San Francisco 49ers 390 1544 96.5 441 1103
  21. Good question. Was Motortrend ever punished for naming the Chevy Volt the 2011 Car of the Year?
  22. Hmmm. Negotiations seem to be at a standoff...
  23. Man, we could all use some work with the jugs machine.
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