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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Same way the Queen of England got hers. ?
  2. I remember Biden’s debate with Sarah Palin. She repeatedly called him O’Biden and he just sat there with a *****-eating grin because he was told to not be mean to her.
  3. Jawohl. Weissschlonggetfirmer!
  4. What data can you source that supports your claim?
  5. Joe’s Depends are overflowing at most of his “rallies.” He reeks of decades of incestuous political cigar smoke-filled back rooms. Eatch “The Irishman” and you’ll see his world’s eye view. shiw hm the power. He’ll do ANYTHING to garner it. He’s a total POS. Howard Dean is a S.H.I.T. stain on the fabric of American culture and the political scene. He was last relevant when he was licking his balls after his over-exuberant claim that, “We’re going to the White House, YEEHAWWW!”
  6. Smart move. Otherwise people turn into:
  7. Have you ever seen a more punchable face? Asking for a friend.
  8. So you’re saying they’re soulless, hollow, vacuously hypocritical, blatantly opportunistic, lowest denominator reaching, issue groveling, intellectually dishonest, devoid of character, low-life vermin that are a magnifying reflector of the biases, hatred, intolerant views of the progressives. Yeah, I can see that.
  9. Joe will either end up in the fetal position sobbing on the floor within the first half hour or, rush at Trump with arms outstretched trying to grab his throat to strangle him. Joe is not cool. He’s about one year away from a nursing home. He’ll seriously breakdown when he loses to Trump. It happened to better/healthier people than this old fart. McGovern left the country for a year or so. Gore left the planet to find his fortune in scams and lies. Hillary couldn’t even give a concession speech and spent two years walking in the woods of Chappaqua.
  10. Is Tee rested now? Asking for a friend.
  11. A cunning stunt, no doubt.
  12. Romney should stick to looking into the mirror. He's turned into a first class Putz.
  13. Or, “Don’t throw the red flag. He was out of bounds.”
  14. Looking forward to the Cable News Networks assembling a panel of psychiatric experts to weigh in on Joe's being mentally unfit to hold the office of POTUS. Guess I'll be waiting a long, long time.
  15. The masks don't help you from getting a flu or this Corona virus. They prevent you from spreading the disease through your expectorating coughs/sneezes.
  16. Clamant cladem dimit canes bellum!
  17. It’s the President’s job to quell fear mongering.
  18. To be fair, Joe’s brain has been in a state of arrested development since he was in his twenties and it frequently goes into states of halting arrest at the most inopportune times - like whenever he’s speaking.
  19. Just dropped in to see what condition his condition was in?
  20. Well she had a graduate with loud *****... or something like that.
  21. Surprised that no one has stated the obvious conspiracy theory - that China released this on purpose to shut down the Hong Kong protests and to weaken the West’s economies.
  22. Well, he's certainly mixed up... in the head.
  23. Yeah, sure... but do they have a Dave and Busters? Go to Little Italy. It's where Italian American cuisine started. Some ideas for that part of town I'm not sure, but I thought I heard that every player would get another game check (1/16th of their contracted pay), and it would not be considered part of the Cap this year. Can anybody verify that?
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