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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Styles are templates of attributes configured for you. Macros are mini bits of code that you can use to craft custom settings. Google is your friend, Adam. For example: Styles: Macros: https://youtu.be/pImii_IZfDU
  2. The Last Straw!
  3. Right. The flux capacitor got fluxed.
  4. Probably saw some hot MILFs down below and lost control trying to land.
  5. I agree with Vic though. The right side of the line could be worse. They could have Gleason and Sully at OG and OT.
  6. Yep. Strange comment coming from an "insider" who posted a "video of him" in the war room during the 2015 Draft. imo
  7. So what if he is? He won't be getting reps with the first string like Washed-up dish-rag-armed White Castle and EJ were all through TC and the preseason. He's going to be brought along slooooowly. TT will be groomed and the offense tailored to his strengths.
  8. Nice to see the Clinton allies are going for the knockout punch! Gotta get rid of that pesky Bernie so she and they can focus their laser beam dragon eyes and bad breath on The Donald.
  9. Okay, so for those who want to delve into the subject and can't wait for Schefty, I'm posting some links to tutorials from The Hospital for Special Surgery in NYC. This first one talks about Dr. Russell Warren. He's the bones that did my total shoulder replacement about ten years ago. He's the team Orthopod for the Jints. "Valuing Expertise, Communication, and Sports Medicine Education." Below are links to videos from HSS regarding different procedures that remedy specific shoulder maladies. SLAP Lesion Repair - of capsule and labral damage in the shoulder joint and prevent instability and dislocation. Torn Rotator Cuff surgery two views: 1. Fully torn rotator cuff; 2. Partially torn rotator cuff Bonus read: Here's an article on Labrum Tears. And for the record, nowhere is a spleen, pancreas or Shah of Iran or any other foreign dignitary mentioned on their site. Hope you enjoy the information.
  10. So you're sayin' Al's mobbed-up?
  11. Azalin gets points for that!
  12. You're maturing. It's a natural phenomena that is actually quite normal. The Left wants to be a cross between Peter Pan and Narcissus.
  13. So, do we know exactly what the injury was and the surgery needed to repair the damage?
  14. You can say that again. Oh no you don't. We're happy to have him spread his neurosis-driven drivel over the entire site for all to see. He's an intellectual after all.
  15. Lawson should be getting his sutures removed on or about May 26th, and starting rehab directly. 6 - 8 weeks from then is mid July.
  16. Thanks for keepin' it real. I look forward to the start of that thread.
  17. I think he sang the tune too.
  18. OMG! The Bills are moving to Orlando!!! #runchickenlittle Seriously, The Pro Bowl is just about perfect for that venue. [/disinterestedfan]
  19. Try the veal... it's the best in the city. FTR, he's okay with either T2, TMobile.
  20. True dat. It ain't no joke. Byrd's contract is though. I didn't.
  21. Group Think is the BEST Think! [#facebookies]
  22. She'll just order the military to wipe their servers. End of ISIS.
  23. Stop obfuscating. [/stomps foot] Worst in the history of the nation.
  24. If you're bothered by a pesky bear, shoot it with a shotgun. Not only will that tear its labrum, but it will develop pancreatic cancer and die.
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