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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. From your lips to God's ears.
  2. Much ado about nuttin' IMO. You have to admit that many of the local yokel media types have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off the last few years. They created a carnival atmosphere of tweets to their twats each one trying to out-smart, be more clever, and push their smug reporting agendas all over the news. There are a few good, decent reporters, but even guys like Vic have soiled themselves in the pell-mell race to gain traction in the new digital social media. Its tarnished their reporting IMO. I know they've got jobs to do, but haven't we all asked out loud about several of these characters, "how in the hell do they have a job?" And that's mostly in reaction to their columns. The media is taking umbrage at being told to keep their reporting in line. This is the first time in several years The Bills have updated their media policy. It's more in line with several other teams now.
  3. That is what they're "progressing" toward for sure.
  4. Hillary's having as good a week as Doug Whaley.
  5. Get back to me when they start working on solutions. No one seems to want to give up any of the swell things modernity has provided us. Calls for cutting back on such things like air conditioning are met with scorn. Yet none of the scientists are providing any viable answers.
  6. They should check the voter registration records from NYC and Miami Dade County and cross reference how many snow birds vote in both places.
  7. Here's the immediate response to the dishonest Katie Couric. There is NO 9 second silence whatsoever. She dishonestly completely truncates the group's response to her pointed question. This is despicable "journalism". She should be fired.
  8. What really happened:
  9. And people are pizzed because Trump said Mexico doesn't send us their very best.
  10. I'll bet that tonight, all the news outlets will lead with a "violence at Trump rallies" story followed by one about that pesky Bernie who just won't walk away. Brief mention of this will occur at 6:49 PM just before they go to commercial break. They'll return with a story about Brazil and the zika virus caused by global warming.
  11. Glauben, dass es alte Frau . Glaube es. You look at those stats and that's what you choose to see. I see that Kyle started every game he's played in except for the first five in his Rookie year.
  12. That's right, and most of them don't like or at least mistrust the round eye.
  13. So, voting against the Civil Rights act of 1964 can be nuanced. Got it. Like what the meaning of "is" is.
  14. Hot damn! Good news. Were the media allowed to cover it?
  15. He won't stop. The networks won't let up on him, which plays right into his hands. He's playing them like a fiddle. Like a fiddle he's playing them. He's playing them like Paganini played a Stradivarius, he's playing them so great. It's great that they can't help themselves, and they're helping him to make America great again. Like a fiddle he's playing them.
  16. So you agree that Senators Albert Gore, Sr., J. William Fulbright, and Robert Byrd are all despicable and dishonorable. Good.
  17. The History Channel has a show about the war between the KKK and the Mafia. It traces a long, long path. Interesting that W.D. Griffin's title, "Birth of a Nation" is being used for a wholly different story. The Voting Rights Act never would have passed if it weren't for Republicans.
  18. But Obama will bring us cheap shoes!
  19. I wouldn't call millions of Vietnamese made shoes "nothing". So what if they get some tanks, planes, and automatic weapons? It's about his legacy... So far he's apologized to everyone but the Aborigines in Australia.
  20. Hillary may drop her vagina references, but Trump smells blood and won't be scared away from pounding her on the you're-married-to-a-rapist-and-you-treated-his-victims-terribly angle. Newt made a mistake in making Bill irrelevant for a time. Tump will make Bill very relevant to this election cycle.
  21. True. But they were terribly disrespected. I heard that the Padres did invite them back. Hope it goes better for everyone if they do.
  22. They can keep themselves occupied by reporting on which bathroom the players and coaches use.
  23. Tom Woods is a new find for me. Thought this was interesting.
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