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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Exactly. They want to make it a "hate crime" to call them "illegal".
  2. Sure beats the alternative! Spoken for truth.
  3. There's no doubt at all that Hitler would have used the A-Bomb on London if he had one. He'd have nuked Stalingrad and Leningrad too if he had the chance. He might have left Moscow as a trophy. Back to the OT, Obama's foreign policy is to talk loudly and carry a toothpick.
  4. We cudda had Lou Potti instead of Bulgar. Just sayin'. Cudda had Gronk instead of Troup too. Or Tony Moeaki or Jimmy Graham if you really want to perpetually grind your gonads in ricer.
  5. Then why did I pay NY State and City income tax when I worked in the city, and while living in Princeton? I got credit on my NJ State tax for what the Yankees held me up for, but for certain, I paid them taxes. Thieving bastages! I think where you were studying woodworking is where the Buffalo bank had their CSR phone response center, and that later Apple used for a learning center about imagining. Camden's a sweet little NE town, probably most famous for being the setting for the 50s movie, "Peyton Place". Been to Temecula a couple of times myself. We worked with a vendor of ours to utilize their plant there to service our left coast customers. It worked out well.
  6. Just Tom being Tom. It's what he does.
  7. I rest my case. Damn straight!
  8. Yeah, it's like so refreshing to get a spleen-venting rant about The Bills for a change. Something new around here.
  9. I think they might have a "leg to stand on" if it's a government pension they're receiving from their former state. If it's private sector money... not so much. JMO.
  10. The Countdown to 2,000 continues...
  11. I've mentioned Berkeley Professor George Lakoff several times in threads in the PPP forum. He's a smart, clever, cunning linguist. Here's one of my posts. In one other one I credited Carly as being the only Republican that could turn a phrase and put it back on the Dems with simple word-smithing. I think Trump's been proven a master at it as well.
  12. Thanks. I haven't been that entertained in quite awhile. It's great to have the lid lifted of that pit of snakes that is "Morning Joe", and see them squirm after finally accepting the unavoidable truth. They've been feasting on rotted meat for years and are now suffering food poisoning from it.
  13. Only Red Sox fans put ketchup on hot dogs.
  14. Arthur Percival's surrender is still stunning to this day.
  15. Man, do they ever need BoardVantage or something similar.
  16. This is the kind of thing that would result in this kind of thing: If the Ryans don't get it done this year, Whales isn't the one who will be in trouble.
  17. It will be refreshing when the media awakens and starts reporting on homelessness and hunger and poverty in America and demanding to know what Trump is going to do about it.
  18. Nope. Here's how the revolution ends: Oh, and it's NSFW, i.e., Not Safe For Work!
  19. Are there any/many Bernie supporters that are over the age of 26?
  20. Hold on. It might be back on. They're having back-channel talks about actually making it happen. Bern wants it before the CA primary. It could be a master stroke by both of them, and make Hillary look like the vapid, hollow, ego-maniacal, out-of-touch 1 Percenter that she is. Of course, with Trump spinning faster than a lawn whirligig in a thunderstorm ya just never know till ya know... ya know?
  21. Well, it started out kinda okay I suppose. You know - sorta like this did...
  22. He's gonna have to really improve if there's any hope that Kevin Kostner will get to play him in the movie, "The Mike Mularkey Story".
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