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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. They should send this turd to Iraq to fight IS/ISIS/ISIL/IDIOTS. Give him a uniform, a gun, and a canteen of water and leave him in the middle of the desert somewhere.
  2. Exactly. The fairy tale world he's created in his mind and those of his supporters/enablers will come crashing down like a house of cards the minute he becomes the former POTUS. He's terrified that a Dem won't take over to try to further his "legacy" which includes riding the cluster !@#$ that is Obamacare into the ground and replacing it with single payer. And by single payer, I mean everyone will pay - except those who don't pay income taxes. Witness his stuttering hissy fit the other day when he tried to diss Trump. If a Dem doesn't succeed him, things won't fall into place quite like he imagined.
  3. Made it through 4 minutes. Trout lips are a turn off. These ladies get Trump too: http://youtu.be/7dxACZWYAIY With supporters like these, can greatness be far away?
  4. He always has been a jug-eared stuttering doofus. He's coming unhinged at the thought of being followed by a Republican who will rip the guts out of his "legacy" which he rammed down the throats of America with his Democrat Congress and Senate and a phone and a pen.
  5. Boomer and Carton are youge Jests fans. Carton thinks Tebow is the most handsome man he's ever met, and Boomer gets enraged whenever anyone calls him Norman. That's all you need to know about those two.
  6. Well, to be fair, the Left have charged him with upsetting their PC group-think.
  7. She's averse to looking at nekkid men. Hoo New?
  8. They're the Latin Occupy movement. "What do we want?" "We don't know." "When do we want it?" "NOW!"
  9. Perfect example how the Twats at Twitter censor. The linky thingy ain't workin'.
  10. To me, they have to pull the plug on Sammy at the WR position experiment. We need someone to set the edge on D and rush the QB. Can they transition him there? Or am I missing something - like Rodak missing the timetable for Sammy to return to full duty? [/crayonz-like-post]
  11. Nah. Hold the game, but with no alternates. Play with whomever shows up. Should make it interesting... once.
  12. To which, Mario Williams says, "Whaddam eye... chopped liva?"
  13. I'm sure he'll set his DVR to tape the series.
  14. I keep seeing this on TSW and keep reading it as: "Pro Bowl to be held in Ontario". Need to start drinking more.
  15. Sharing a couple of letters in their last name perhaps?
  16. Not hardly. Agreed 8 pages, but it's filled in part by the axe grinding for Rex, and I'm quite tired of that already. Man, it's a long, long offseason this year.
  17. Where have we read or heard that Rex knew he had two surgeries in the off season? For all he knew he was quietly rehabbing after missing the last games of the season. How many other players has Rex and the coaches not reached out to in the off season? Did Rex or the coaches call Shady when he was going upside the cop's head in Philly with a champagne bottle? Did they call Sammy after his footsie boo-boo surgery? Maybe Seantral said, "Don't call me, I'll call you," when he took his leave to convalesce. Maybe he asked for privacy and Rex and the coaches honored that. There's a lot we don't know. Whales said earlier this month that they had heard good things about his rehab. Then this "story" breaks and it's slanted to make Rex look like an azz. Well, I gotta tell ya, Rex doesn't need ANY help in that area. He's a self-made man. I just think this is much ado about very, very little.
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