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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Well, if his screen saver is a slideshow, this would definitely be one of the shots.
  2. Are the Denver sportswriters calling for the team to cut ties with him?
  3. They have a fine and glorious tradition of rioting. Nothing pointing to a peaceful convention there. Cleveland either for that matter. Hillary even sounds like Humphrey. And this little ditty by Mayor Daley is a classic: https://youtu.be/djB19XjuXvc
  4. I firmly believe you're 100% assured of that outcome.
  5. I thought Bryan Pagilano Hilliary's IT goon had been granted immunity from prosecution in order to have him testify. But he stated his intention to plead the 5th and refuse to testify. Now the judge hearing the Judicial Watch case has required him to provide the immunity agreement and state the reason why he won't testify. Hope this heats up quickly.
  6. Hear the good news! Katie Couric's director had one of her employees commit four felonies. No sweetheart, it's not legal. It's totally illegal, and I hope you and your employee go to federal pound-me-up-the-azz prison for this ****.
  7. Sure, but can you go to Harvard and not eat Harvard beets?
  8. No doubt Poojer says, "Hell YES!" With total emphasis.
  9. RIP Ali. You were The Greatest. Boxing died before you did.
  10. There are no birds. They've been eaten.
  11. “This is nothing short of a shakedown and another example of how the Obama administration is rigging the system to benefit their political allies. Instead of directing settlements directly to victims or returning the money to the U.S. Treasury, President Obama set up a slush fund for community organizers and other liberal activists. This is outrageous,” said Rep. Sean Duffy, R-Wis., chairman of the Financial Services Committee’s Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee. It’s quite a racket – the 2008 financial crisis was caused by the Clinton administration massively expanding Jimmy Carter’s Community Reinvestment Act, forcing banks to give high-risk loans to those who had no business owning a home, in a textbook example of Reynolds’ Law run amok. Now in its wreckage, Bank of America is shaken down for billions by the same party that created the CRIA. And of course, no one in the MSM will ask Hillary about her husband’s involvement in the debacle. . Imagine the uproar when President Trump (I just threw up a bit) does the same thing and makes them give the money to the NRA, Citizens United, The American Family Association, and the Family Research Council. Suddenly the media will have a Youuuge issue with the practice.
  12. This is nothing new. ANY woman who disagrees with the Leftist agenda must be punished, disgraced, minimized, castigated, and silenced!
  13. Well, who else is out there? A couple of helmet collectors? A game manager or two? Secretly developed rocket-armed super athletic stealth backup? Flotsam and jetsam? And how much money do the JESTS have? I heard it's about $3m without cutting someone or two or three to get real starter-money freed up. They're not in a good position IMO.
  14. Chris Brown's last post on bb.com is from June 1, and no mention of Henderson being at OBD.
  15. I'm in partial agreement. Call me spiteful, but I think there's a lot of pay-back that needs to be done. One thing I do delight in is Trump's ability to get way, way under the skin of the Left. They're incapable of controlling themselves from getting unhinged at the mere mention of his name. It's like "Palin/Bush" on steroids. Trouble is, a lot of conservatives have a hard time not getting unhinged at the thought of his candidacy and potential Presidency. Just this once though, I would love to see an in-your-face Republican President who would turn the tables on the Dems. Remember Craig Livingstone anyone? Trump's the kind of audacious CEO that would put that plan into action on day 1. I want to see Hillary fully investigated, and the clowns over at the State Department and the IRS grilled and taken to task. I also think the EPA needs to have it's dictatorial powers curtailed. None of that would happen if any other Republican were elected - save perhaps Cruz. Not sure though what shape the Republican party would be in after he leaves office though.
  16. The Left is totally irresponsible. They can't handle anyone speaking against their beliefs. They're book burners and censors of free speech. They're also violent.
  17. His foot's still broken? That's what the thread title says. OMFG! Sammy gots uh broken foot!
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