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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Sure, but if he gets hurt or his numbers aren't "whoa", then he could be shooting himself in the foot.
  2. Thank goodness the mandatory sessions are upon us. I just can't wait to find out what new controversy the fan base will be getting their knickers in a twist about. We definitely need some new material. Torn labrums and spleens and champagne bottle-swinging just isn't cutting it any more. Well, except for a few stalwarts who just can't let things go their natural course.
  3. An off-duty cop was the club's security. He engaged the deranged assassin in a gun fight and called for help. The shooter held up in a bathroom with hostages. The cops finally blew out the walls and some of the hostages and the **** came out. The mother!@#$er was then engaged by about 11 cops and shot dead. This is the argument that must be pursued. "Only a tiny fraction of Muslims act this way - and they aren't representative of the religion. Well then, only a tiny fraction of American gun owners commit violent acts with their guns - and they aren't representative of the NRA or the vast majority of law abiding American gun owners." Obviously their extremely strict gun laws must be made even more strict. Because when people can't buy guns legally, and they really, really want them - they'll go to illegal gun dealers who have a **** load more firepower for sale than say, you could even find at a Virginia gun show. Gee. I wonder what the common thingy is. Could it be migrating Christians? Registered Republicans? Sure. You got it. It's the NRA in Paris, and Brussels and London. Obviously it'll take a massive implementation of putting metal detectors in every nightclub in America. You know, it must be Hill/Bill's plan to revive the economy - just like the "Clinton" economic boom leading up to the year 2000 that was fueled by the Y2K bug. It cost business and the governments billions. This could be just the thing they'd need to get the economy swimming in a new Democrat GDP revival. Can I get a Howard Dean, "Yeeeeeehhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!"?
  4. Well what probably helped wind him up was his father, who's a wack-job too.
  5. From you good link on the Pink Pistols: “This is exactly the kind of heinous act that justifies our existence. At such a time of tragedy, let us not reach for the low-hanging fruit of blaming the killer’s guns. Let us stay focused on the fact that someone hated gay people so much they were ready to kill or injure so many. A human being did this. The human being’s tools are unimportant when compared to the bleakness of that person’s soul. I say again, GUNS did not do this. A human being did this, a dead human being. Our job now is not to demonize the man’s tools, but to condemn his acts and work to prevent such acts in the future.”
  6. Absolutely. But when you tell your employer they'll automatically start paying you 78% of what you were making before you told them because, well... woman.
  7. On his final day in office, he will issue her a Presidential pardon. I have no doubt.
  8. And common sense can't be allowed to derail well entrenched agendas either... on both sides of nearly any issue. One of the people he contacted went to the FBI. Just imagine the carnage if he was a suicide bomber without a gun. At this point, what difference does it make? Our girly-man President can't and won't protect the GLAM community. Neither will the hag Hillary. But let's move businesses out of North Carolina.
  9. Hey pal, 671 million miles per hour is not just a good idea... it's the LAW!
  10. Try it sometime. It'll make your lady friend convulse in laughter. Trust me. Oh, and then... great sex!
  11. I'll bet Bill covered his testicles with them and put the bridge over his little Willie. "Quite a schnozz you've got there Bill," said Hill.
  12. Obviously the talking points given out by the Hag's campaign team.
  13. Here's the field that got whittled down to the Don. "Outsiders" Rand Paul Ted Cruz Marco Rubio* "Non-Politician Outsiders" Carly Fiorina Ben Carson Donald Trump Governors Jim Gilmore Chris Christie Mike Huckabee George Pataki Scott Walker John Kasich Conservatives & Old Guard Rick Sanctimonious Lindsey Graham Bobby Jindal Scott Walker Rick Perry Preordained Fully-Credentialed Choice of the Establishment Jeb Bush None of them had the celebrity to match Hillary's - except Trump. Few of them had the energy to match Trump's. Most of the field was in it to pave the way for the establishment's scion's coronation. But, "We don't need another Clinton. We don't need another Bush," rang more true for the Republicans than the Democrats who now have their hag to fawn and dote over. Almost any one of the Governors would be a better President than Trump or Hillary. But none of them had the ability to seize the moment. Trump's a street fighter and none of the others are. He took them by surprise. So now we have "Trump, alone at the top."
  14. Will they allow non-American citizens to scale it?
  15. Right. A single Bloody Mary in the morning at brunch is a well known skid-greaser to an all-day binge of epic proportions. Happens all the time. Everywhere. Without fail. It can't be allowed to happen. Ever.
  16. Youse is a bunch uh pre madonnas.
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