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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Who wears it better - Hillary or Transamerica?
  2. Wow. 11 years old. It'll be going to High School soon.
  3. Yes. A 2" deep slice about 8" long just below the jawline from ear to ear would work wonders.
  4. And this is what happens when you let it out that he was in chargers' plans since the Fiesta Bowl and that they never considered anyone else at 3. Plus, that is the Franchise that traded away Philip Rivers AND Eli Manning. They can be had and he knows it. This has a little bit of Tom Couseneau and The Boz kinda smell to it. I'm thinking he knows he's been hyped a wee mite too much and wants to guarantee all the moolah he can while he can... in his first contract.
  5. It's gonna be so yuge. Let me tell you. It'll be so yuge that yuge will be afraid to look at it. It'll be so yuge. And then, and then, then we'll build a wall and we won't be making stupid deals with China and Europe anymore. We make such stupid deals, it's unbelievable. Unbelievable. It's so unbelievable the stupid deals we get stuck with. They don't know how to negotiate. I tell you, they don't know how. They have incompetent people doing our negotiating for us. They stupid and incompetent and America gets stuck with crappy deals every time. It's unbelievable. Let me tell you, when I'm President we're gonna make smart deals. Smart deals for America because I'm gonna make America great again. America is gonna be great again because we're gonna make smart deals with China, and Europe, and Japan, and Mexico. Oh, the Mexicans. I do want to tell you about the Mexicans. We're gonna build a wall and keep their bad people out. And the Muslims won't be able to sneak across our border either. We're gonna be great again when I'm President. Thank you. Oh, and who's that? Huh? Get him outta here. Don't hurt him. Just get him out. Thank you and God Bless America.
  6. Oh yes. Because we haven't been as successful as we should in neutering little boys into docile little playmates for the girls in the classroom. Therefore we must double-down our efforts to castrate the minds of men, turning them into lobotomized limp-wristed followers of political correctness with no genuine feelings and emotions of their own.
  7. I think that's a more honest name for it.
  8. My bad. I was thinking of rookie Gary Chambers encounter with wings.
  9. Aw, shucks. I was gettin' my hopes up. We could use another punching bag. [/s]
  10. Maybe Critical Gender Theory is a subset of CRT.
  11. Too bad Trump didn't run against B. O. the last time. They're two sides of the same Trojan-enz. Reminds me of this retouched photo of OJ from back in the day.
  12. Well, when the President of the US says this in the wake of the worst shooting tragedy in history, we should all wonder just WTF does he mean by it. "In the coming hours and days, we’ll learn about the victims of this tragedy. Their names. Their faces. Who they were. The joy that they brought to families and to friends, and the difference that they made in this world. Say a prayer for them and say a prayer for their families -- that God give them the strength to bear the unbearable. And that He give us all the strength to be there for them, and the strength and courage to change. We need to demonstrate that we are defined more -- as a country -- by the way they lived their lives than by the hate of the man who took them from us." What's this? WE have to change. Change how - become Muslim?
  13. That should come as no surprise DR. They're neck deep in a cesspool of their own making and both are desperately clawing at each other attempting to push the other one's head under.
  14. Most definitely. Reminds me of the "Milling Cow" Defense we deployed a couple of years ago.
  15. Well they can't report the names of QBs throwing interceptions, RBs that fumble, and WRs & TEs that drop passes. What else is there to report on? Schefter has the medical report market cornered.
  16. Will she be put on the "no fly list"? That would be rich.
  17. Common man, ya gotta pick up the pace. JK Sure hope he doesn't get Zika virus down there. At least he isn't in any water sports. I feel bad for those athletes. They were supposed to build something like 4 sewage treatment plants as part of them being awarded the Olympics. They built none. Now events like crew and long distance swimming are going to be held in filthy, disgusting water.
  18. Never can gets enuff slow jam the news. Or is it snow jam the news?
  19. Better than shooting a loogie perhaps. Which guy?
  20. It's a little weak frankly. I'm more interested in how many stories we'll hear about how out of synch the D is and the O looks and the UFAs seem to outplaying the starters. Things like that and how heavily Rex's pending dismissal for performance is weighing on his mind.
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