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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. True story. I got a ticket from a Barney Fife because the dealer’s bracket blocked off half of the State’s Initials on my license plate.
  2. Let’s not forget about West Nile virus!
  3. Thank you Koko78. Doing God's work once again. Such sacrifice and altruism is rarely seen in these troubling times. Good luck, and report back. Remember... pics or it didn't happen.
  4. Well, he looks fit. But those eyebrows...
  5. Mike-Meyer. One Bills Nick name that I remember.
  6. Yeah, sure he does all that. But can he run over the middle from the slot and block the DBs like a REAL TRUE NFL #1 receiver is asked to do so often?
  7. Putin and Xi are not our buddies, neither are many of the Saudis. They all would love to see Trump out of office so they can do business as usual with Joe and his handlers. At a minimum, Joe would outlaw fracking as weaken our military. Xi’s buddies haven’t gotten much in return yet from their $1Billion investment in Hunter Biden. Joe wants to put us all back in chains of energy dependence, being a Second rate world power, Leading from behind, and good old Carter era malaise and misery. He is a useful idiot for powerful interests not all of whom reside inside our borders. Make America Weak Again.
  8. Nobody likes to take the bitter medicine, even if it’s the best course of action. Social distancing is better than ignoring the risk of contagion and going about with normal activities. That’s a key to controlling the spread and hopefully getting this bug to burn itself out. We will have a vaccine by the fall. Be well. This is a black swan event.
  9. I only became aware of PCR about a year ago when my aqua farming class had a lecture by the Director, Aquatic Diagnostic Laboratory at Roger Williams University. It was eye opening. They do all the testing for Shellfish diseases here on Cape Cod. It’s incredulous to me that the jokers think this can be rolled out T the snap of their fingers. Ding! Hot Pockets are done!
  10. Either way it’s a win-win.
  11. She’s a hell of a Dr. Hope WhoPee goes to see her for treatment.
  12. Jorge Ramos is a virus.
  13. Discuss. The demos have fallen off the screen since the outbreak. The Red Chinese had no handle on how to quash those demonstrations. Haven't heard a peep about them since the outbreak... coincidence? Xi doesn't love The Donald... just about inline with the Dems in this country. At the same time Pututie-in hates the Shale guys just like the Saudis do. Perfect Storm?
  14. Temecula, Alaska. The owners return to Buffalo for the winter.
  15. So Joe Biden could ***** on Main Street and the lazy and stupid would just shrug it off and say, it’s because he stutters. Bring on the coronation.
  16. Any way we can get the virus fast tracked over to the Dem side of the aisle? Asking for a friend. just kidding you “progressively stupid people”.
  17. From the article: “It’s — how would you put this? — lazy and unfair.” I like it. Let’s stop calling them “The media,” and start calling them just exactly what they are, to wit... lazy and unfair.
  18. Yes! Authentic lies. It's like simulated realism. You know - faking honesty. She's the genuine article that can be found in any souvenir shop at Niagara Falls.
  19. Almost looks like the Officer in the foreground planted his ceremonial sword in the lower back of the face-planted Guardsman pinning him down, and he whispered, "Don't move!"
  20. I literally laughed out loud at that. Thanks KRC.
  21. And then we’ll see what the mortality rate really is. Which is what President of the United States of America’s said. It’s very likely to be quite a bit lower because many folks don’t go to a hospital for treatment and get better. Stay out of nursing homes - especially the shitholes in Washington State. I bought XOM today. Dividends are about 7 1/2% per year. That’s a lot better than bank notes or treasuries. I’m also glad I got in on FortySeven awhile ago. Markets are a place where sellers meet buyers to make transactions. There are lots of ways to evaluate the value of securities.
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