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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. He's got their backs. He's leading from his behind.
  2. Hillarious. It'll captivate the 16 and under voters.
  3. Obviously taking serious measures to keep Karlos from running off to the buffet table. He looks hungry.
  4. I'm torn. Should I get this now, or wait till the Sabres Superbowl Championship version comes out and get them both. I assume there would be a break on the shipping.
  5. All Time Coach 1. Lombardi 2. Hoodie*** (though the taint would be a strong bilious drink to suffer) 3. Landry Living today and the next one taking over 1. Roman 2. Schottenheimer (just to shut up the drone of playoff drought - we wouldn't get much further than that, but at least there is that) 3. Coughlin
  6. I'd give him a standing golf clap, then turn around and moon him.
  7. Frankly, I don't think a 6-16 record is possible.
  8. The solution to the problem is intuitively obvious Tom. Simply self-identify as a Scott and kilt away!
  9. I don't know how they were able to do that without getting sued or protested. Won't bake a cake for someone - you get sued. Won't cater a wedding for someone - you get sued. Don't open your establishment on Sunday to serve the public - you get protested. It's all about freedom of choice - except when it isn't.
  10. They should burn some Mexican flags. From your linky thingy: " That essay mentions the Valerie Plame case where a CIA officer’s name was identified by Bush Administration White House aide Scooter Libby. Plame was no longer working under cover. Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald convicted Libby on perjury charges, not for revealing Plame’s name. However, Fitzgerald thought his prosecution served a national security purpose. “The notion,” Fitzgerald said, “that someone’s identity could be compromised lightly, to me, compromises the ability to recruit [i.e., for the US to recruit intelligence officers].” I agreed with Fitzgerald. Covert intelligence work is difficult. Intelligence officers—who by the very nature of their work are fully engaged in protecting U.S. national security—are vulnerable. In Hillary Clinton’s judgment, protecting her political viability was more important than protecting U.S. national security. Keeping her work-related communications from the clutches of federal record maintenance laws and the Freedom of Information Act was more important than following the laws protecting the handling of national security-related information."
  11. What Russia's DNC Hack Tells Us About Hillary Clinton's Private Email Server "Two Russian intelligence agencies hacked the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) database which included opposition research on Donald Trump. The Post says “The intruders so thoroughly compromised the DNC’s system that they also were able to read all email and chat traffic.” The Russian had access to the network for about a year. The DNC’s hired cyber security firm explains that “it is extremely difficult for a civilian organization to protect itself from a skilled and determined state such as Russia.” It suspects that Russian hackers used “spearphishing,” or emails made to look like they came from someone trusted that contain links or attachments that give the hacker access to the computer when clicked. Despite the cause for concern, DNC officials are trying to soothe the public. They characterize these breaches as “political” and assured backers that no financial or donor information was disclosed. (How they would know, I wonder.)" More, at the link.
  12. 2phat2plaee Obviously. FTR, it wasn't just the extra weight. He couldn't do the basic conditioning drills without getting winded. That's what got him sent to the trainer. :burp:
  13. True. And because they had to go through the process of giving all three QBs time and reps, it held back their development. TT at least rose above the pack and he rightfully has the status of being the starter. It should make a world of difference in the Offense this year compared to last. Most of the starters are returning and we've gotten a bit deeper at a couple of positions.
  14. Jimmy Carter stopped Iranians from entering the country when the Shah was deposed. He expelled hundreds of exchange students as well. http://www.frontpagemag.com/point/261062/carter-banned-iranians-coming-us-during-hostage-daniel-greenfield
  15. Hey guys. This was last SUNDAY's topic. [/thread]
  16. How 'bout a poll? Will Fitzgibbigones come to an accord this year with the Jets or not? Conjecture: Would widening the field lead to fewer serious injuries? Should the Kickoff be made only at the start of each half? Should Tom Brady*** be allowed to play the first four games of this season but only if he throws left handed? Who will weigh more at the end of the season - Dareus or Rob Ryan, and why?
  17. I think we need new colors. Pastel pink and green might be a nice choice.
  18. Obama's foreign policy is the same as his domestic policy which is to turn America into a third world country.
  19. Why do they make their women wear body bags?
  20. I think it was Jim in Anchorage who first posted this link to a blog about a single farmer's war against feral pigs in Eastern Texas. Read it. Get educated. There's a number of legitimate uses for this type of gun.
  21. Of course. But "no true Christian" would ever sin against mankind or themselves. Just like "no true Muslim" would ever not be full of peace and love and kindness toward all mankind whether they be straight or gay, Christian or Muslim, or Jew. They're just the religion of tolerance from tip to toe. So you see it's not the religion that should be looked into at all. It's the practitioners who aren't "true" to their religion. You know, that means like, well... everyone.
  22. I'm in favor of it. Always. Oh! Oh, you mean... How about, who would you want to have as the HC of The Bills and when?
  23. This just came in my email. I had to make it in two parts. It's real. Only the name of the innocent one was changed.
  24. He's gonna sue the 'Lectoral College because "they treated him unfair." They treated him so unfairly and he'll want to know why. "Why am I being treated so unfairly by the 'Lectoral College? I tell you , they were very, very nasty and they should have thrown out all of Lyin' Hillary's super delegates. They were nasty to me, and I don't know why. I just want to know why they were so nasty. I know that I won. I won and I want to make America great again. Lyin' Hillary is just going to make herself and her skank-lovin' husband of hers millions. Millions and millions of dollars. I tell ya, millions of dollars is what they're gonna be lining their pockets with. Lining their pockets. Millions and millions of dollars and not a single one of them will go toward building my beautiful wall. It's a shame. It's a shame, I tell ya. A shame."
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