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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. I haven't seen you this unhinged since Rob Johnson's meltdown in Tampa.
  2. I especially like the part where I had to pay a $3,000 tax this year - not because we don't have health care, but because we earned too much and it's well, "fair."
  3. Or an ounce or two of Kilbeggan or Tullamore D.E.W.
  4. Nothing says, "free enterprise" like the government getting its tax cut from the action.
  5. What are the chances of The Bills winning the NHL Lottery now that they're Stanley Cup Champions?
  6. I'm waiting for him to tell us what he really thinks about Tim Tebow and why. That's a GREAT read about our unequivocal starting Quarterback, eBall. He has high standards and has set the bar for himself at the Super Star level. There's nothing wrong with that. In fact, there's everything right about that.
  7. ^ This. And as for Schwartz's coaching career, he was 22 games under .500 in his five years at Detroit. And as a DC, he had three really very good years - his last two in Tenn which helped get him the Detroit gig, and his one year in Buffalo. And WRT Mario, maybe he was butt hurt about Ryan coming on board as his HC. Maybe he had flashbacks to his inaugural game with The Bills against the Jets on Sept. 9th, 2012 where he was shut out by All World OT Austin Howard who was elevated to a starter by Rex on August 23rd.
  8. I just couldn't help but notice how ineffective he was in that "highlight" reel. He's obviously very weak. He had to have ten other players on Defense with him on every play. Can't see where he'll help our Defense. No. Not at all. I second Augie's suggestion.
  9. 2014 Undrafted http://www.nfl.com/draft/2014/profiles/justin-renfrow?id=2549941 Helmet Collections: "T Justin Renfrow was signed by the Buffalo Bills, the team announced Friday. Renfrow, 26, hasn't played in an NFL game. He has been signed and released by the following five clubs: the Arizona Cardinals, Green Bay Packers, Seattle Seahawks, San Francisco 49ers and Dallas Cowboys." He started out as a DT. Now he's an OT. Meet Justin Renfrow.
  10. So when they finally re-sign Gilmore they'll get around to extending Tyrod, right? Can they extend him to the 6'5" range? Signed, unsure and befuddled about extensions.
  11. Hey Justice, we already have a law like that on the books in New Jersey. You can only transport firearms in a vehicle if it's unloaded, locked in a compartment that the driver has no access to within the cab (e.g., the trunk, or a locker in the back of a pickup). Furthermore, you must be on a direct course to the location you started from (home), and the place where you will be using the firearm(s). No stopping along the way is allowed. If you so much as divert your course to go get gas, or stop at a Wendy's, or whatever, and a cop pulls you over... you're screwed. You think that stops the kids in Newark, Camden, and Trenton from carrying and transporting them all over the state and beyond? You think that stops the mob and other criminals in New Jersey and New York from carrying and transporting theirs all over the state and beyond?
  12. They'll have to buy Monster or some other online job agency. Thar's gold in them thar recruits.
  13. "Here's lookin' at you, kid." "Well, Pilgrim." "What in the Wide Wide World of sports is goin' on here? I hired you people to get a bunch of track laid, not to dance around like a bunch of Kansas City faggots."
  14. I'm calling BS on this one. There were no crashed servers included in the sale.
  15. Great! Can't think of a better way to spend my day when writing a note in Word and having something like this pop up with a list of 248 self proclaimed Word experts that will gleefully offer to help with setting margins and font styles. Of course it might take a while for them to get back to me and by then I'd have finished the note a few hours previously. That Microsoft. They're really on the ball.
  16. And they'll be heard again before too very long. It's the nature of the beast.
  17. What about the on season? I'll all in favor of it.
  18. They wouldn't ask Karlos Williams to do anything that they wouldn't do.
  19. Brilliant! This is another facet of Clinton's Summer of Recover IX. She'll be putting her hubby in charge of revitalizing the economy because, well that's what he knows how to do. And this could be a key component of that - along the lines of the tens of billions of dollars that were spent on protecting us from the Y2K "bug". Think of it. By requiring that each of the 300 million guns in America to be tethered to a smart phone (no old-timey flip phones allowed folks, no siree!). That would require an enormous spend (even Trump would call it Yuge!). Maybe Hill and Bill could work a deal with their Silicon Valley buddies to get a take from each phone sale as a contribution to the Clinton Foundation. Their old pal AlGore is on the board of Apple, and well, Google bends over for her like Mia Malkova on a hot shoot with Two-tone Malone, so I'm sure they'd be on board with this fantastic new initiative. It'd be at least a three run homer that would make Obamacare look like child's play in comparison. They'd know where everyone's guns were at any given time, they'd sell a lot of product for their friends in high places, and they'd get the favorite charity greased big time. Of course it would do jack **** toward ending gun violence in the country - but that's not really the point of any of their gun legislation, now is it.
  20. You mean like wiping it with a cloth?
  21. The "Color Rush" unis are horrible. They make teams look like they're playing in their pajamas.
  22. Religion of peace advocates call for killing of gays in Turkey's gay pride parade.
  23. Remember, there are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
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