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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Well, Hillary isn't most people. She's special. She's entitled to do whatever she wants to.
  2. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/28/us/politics/supreme-court-bob-mcdonnell-virginia.html?_r=0 “Setting up a meeting, calling another public official or hosting an event does not, standing alone, qualify as an ‘official act,’ ” Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote for the court. Prosecutors may seek to retry Mr. McDonnell, but under a stricter standard. “Because the jury was not correctly instructed on the meaning of ‘official act,’ it may have convicted Governor McDonnell for conduct that is not unlawful,” Chief Justice Roberts wrote. “For that reason, we cannot conclude that the errors in the jury instructions were ‘harmless beyond a reasonable doubt.’ We accordingly vacate Governor McDonnell’s convictions.” “There is no doubt that this case is distasteful; it may be worse than that,” the chief justice wrote. “But our concern is not with tawdry tales of Ferraris, Rolexes and ball gowns. It is instead with the broader legal implications of the government’s boundless interpretation of the federal bribery statute. A more limited interpretation of the term ‘official act’ leaves ample room for prosecuting corruption, while comporting with the text of the statute and the precedent of this court.” Mr. McDonnell, a Republican, was charged with using his office to help Jonnie R. Williams Sr., who had provided the McDonnells with luxury products, loans and vacations worth more than $175,000 when Mr. McDonnell was governor. The gifts themselves were legal, and the question in the case was whether they were part of a corrupt bargain in which Mr. McDonnell reciprocated by using the power of his office to help Mr. Williams. Mr. McDonnell arranged meetings for and attended events with his benefactor. But Mr. Williams, whose company made a diet supplement, did not have any real success in obtaining support for his product from the state. A jury found that Mr. McDonnell’s actions amounted to corruption, and a federal appeals court upheld the conviction."
  3. For heaven's sake, get a hold of Pinto Ron and do it right... Ketchup and Mustard Salute!
  4. My condolences to his family and loved ones, and RIP Mr. Adams.
  5. Nice fine. Very good analysis there. I see a bit of the Kansas Comet in JW.
  6. Some history of non-state sponsored terrorism for those who want to get refreshed on the background while waiting for Tom to publish his tome. I think there are several facets to terrorism. Any kook can terrorize a neighborhood or group. e.g., Andrew Cunanan, David Berkowitz. But what's mostly being discussed here is Political Terrorism and Religious Terrorism. Those involve organizations that are motivated by a common core belief system. That makes them more dangerous because they are typically more virulent and their power is leveraged by their particular popularity. To me terrorism is the perpetration of intentional acts of extreme violence on innocently unaware people living outside a field of general strife or war with the intent to make people afraid, with the objective to induce political change to achieve an agenda or results that are desired by the organization.
  7. They already have it from being required to take math.
  8. Gun safety should be a required subject in every grammar school. An advanced gun safety course including live firing on a range should be a requirement to receive a High School diploma.
  9. This is probably the beginning of the end for the EU. It just isn't successful and enough people see it and don't want to be shackled to it. I was in Ireland a couple of years ago and the tour driver was talking about how the EU mandated that Ireland had to plant several tens of thousands of hectares of trees in order to satisfy their quota for the EU.
  10. Wonder how many billions George Soros made today selling the markets short.
  11. The EU was formed to compete better with the United States. Though the markets are going to take a big hit in the short term, it probably will be a good thing in the long run. Might be a good time to buy Boeing stock.
  12. Well, B. O. does have a pen and a phone.
  13. At least it wasn't a disgusting Internet video which we had absolutely nothing to do with. Please don't shoot.
  14. Bills would need a new logo for that to happen:
  15. Democrats Shutting Down The Government! Run with it Mainstream Media.
  16. Viernheim, Germany 45 miles south of Frankfurt. "The cinema had several movies listed to show throughout the afternoon, including Hollywood productions like Alice in Wonderland and Angry Birds." Wonder how long it will take Hillary and B. O. to blame this on the NRA, Donald Trump, and all Republicans, oh, and Christians too. But maybe, just maybe it was the Angry Birds movie that set him off.
  17. He certainly is taking his sweet-azzed time about things. At this point, what difference does it make? B. O. will simply give her a Presidential pardon on the day he leaves office and she assumes his position.
  18. And would they sit down on the floor of the House of Representatives and pout and occupy it? That could NEVER happen to such an honorable group.
  19. Personally, I like all four seasons... Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. You only get two seasons when you live way down south.
  20. #Support Hillary's right to take money from autocratic, misogynist Muslim leaders who routinely kill GLTG people! She needs the money. She's dead broke don't cha know.
  21. And look before you flush. You might have dropped your wallet. Tres huevos!
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