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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Why does Whaley keep insisting on drafting damaged goods? Didn't he know about his condition? Oh. Oh, wait... Nevermind. Jurrah nose best.
  2. Oh yes. We've been assured that ISIS is the JV squad and Al Qaeda is "on the run!" They're all running fast they're spilling into the whole of Europe and elsewhere.
  3. A little better perhaps than the GM Corporate Bondholders made out, I imagine.
  4. As The Tuna would say: DWI. (Didn't Want It) For your perusal: Every Player The Bills Drafted. 3rd Rounder Ezekiel "Zeke" Gadston DB from Pitt in 1988. Thought he would be an impact player. Never made the final squad, though Martin Mayhew - yes, that Martin Mayhew (10th Rounder) didn't either and took his revenge on Kelly in SB XXVI.
  5. Yes. We're at fault. If we only learned to love them, and care for them, and be more like them, then they'll like us. They'll really, really like us. Or at least they won't chop off our heads.
  6. Don't you have a prostate exam or two to give, or need to put in orders to give some grandma a program of progressively stronger morphine injections or something? Maybe you should get back on your Midol drip, or at leas have a Snickers.
  7. I heard a muffled voice. Hillary only speaks in encryption. It's her native tongue. The rest of the world just thinks she's constantly lying when in reality she's speaking encrypted truth. Trouble is, only she has the encryption key... and she lost it years ago.
  8. Yes. He's already unraveling the world order! Run! Run! Run!
  9. Such an open and inquiring mind. I simply marvel at your intellect.
  10. Ashe’s lawyer Jeremy Schneider told me he is sure Ashe’s death was an accident. “There is not one iota of evidence that it was homicide. This is nothing at all like Vince Foster.” Don't know whether to laugh or cry at that remark.
  11. Yep. Time for Dems to call for banning AK 47s and Suicide Bomb vests in the US.
  12. Drop in to The Algonquin while you're at it and get yourself a Manhattan.
  13. Can't find the video anymore, but there were at least two where an artillery piece fired three successive rounds in three different trajectories, and all three shells landed squarely on the same target... simultaneously. A thing of beauty. I'm sure Tom has at least one of those in this garage.
  14. +1 Well, "the best coach The Bills have had in the last decade" went 6 -10 in his first year at the helm. So perhaps there's room for Rex & Co. to do better than 9-7 this year.
  15. RIP Mr. Ryan and my condolences to all your family, friends, and loved ones.
  16. For me it was on Sunday, October 26th, 1980... a Pats* game that The Bills won at home 31-13. It burned in me a hatred for The Pats that I still hold today. Sounds like an oxymoron doesn't it? Well, it isn't. And, no. No betting was involved.
  17. Oh yes, absolutely. You see, she's an intellectual. Besides, Russia needs that uranium and the Saudis have our best interests at heart. Trust her.
  18. Aw, someone needs a hug. Here, this should cheer you up.
  19. Is two seasons enough? Probably depends on what you're making. Eggs - all you need is 2, salt and pepper. But when I make chili or ribs, I use a whole lot more.
  20. Big mistake not to go with Audi and do commercials for their TT. Nice to see him getting noticed though.
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