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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Then by your "logic" the cops in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Puerto Rico, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming must be dropping like files because each of them are an unrestricted jurisdiction - which a permit is NOT required to carry a concealed handgun. The permit law in New Mexico allows one to carry a LOADED gun in a car. OH the horror!
  2. Was on The Cape last week and stopped in to Hot Diggity in the Mashpee Commons. They had these for sale, and these plush dolls of Bern, Hill, and The Donald. The back of Hill features a light switch that says, "Smile On" "Smile Off", and there's a crushed Blackberry under her shoe. Trump's back features a button that says, "Push to Inflate Head". The sole of his shoe reads, "I'm Huge".
  3. And the NRA. Fwiw, Iran's nuclear testing and development is being done in North Korea.
  4. You can't fight a kinder gentler war. You can't leave a hostile chaotic area and leave a vacuum.
  5. I can't believe that Whaley still has a job after this latest faux pas.
  6. Yes. And he admitted to shooting a fleeing Vietnamese teenager three times in the back. I think he got a hangnail on the trigger guard doing that , and put himself in for his fourth Purple Heart.
  7. You're trying hard to get that warning point removed, I'll bet.
  8. As close as I could get. He seems to be resting comfortably: And Rob, keep your analyses coming. They're really excellent.
  9. How was John Adams to work for? I heard he was tough, but fair.
  10. Yes, that's him. He didn't become our President though many on the Left would have voted for him.
  11. Careful with the over simplified generalizations gents. I'm a boomer and waited two years past full rate to retire. I'd been working since I was 15. Our son's an Eagle Scout and an electrician. Our daughter (no pics, don't ask) put herself through college with some help from us. Both of them were disadvantaged in that we earned too much to have them get any financial assistance for going to college. I don't think either one of them feels entitled in any way. As to the "Greatest Generation" one could say that they were a bunch of self-indulgent drunks who fled the cities, created urban blight, joined unions that corrupted our political system, bankrolled institutions that squeezed corporations to produce higher dividends that made them careless in their investments, created the disposable consumer goods market, scorned recycling, filled countless landfills with heaps of trash, used DDT, polluted the air with lead gasoline and lead paint, and filled our waters with phosphates that created unchecked eutrophication. Now pardon me while I apologize to my mother who is still alive at age 91. My father and uncles who were members of that generation and partook in many of those activities are long gone. On a more sober note, I think Daniel Patrick Moynihan was perhaps the last great Senator. No one has had the guts to follow up with the work that he did to stabilize SS. They just kicked the can down the road. And so it goes. You're really, really right about that.
  12. You're not very well read then, are you? This has been going on since Yasser Arafat was still infecting the air in the Middle East. Oh yes. Guilt has been established. It's nothing really new either.
  13. ANNOUNCEMENT COMING FROM THE STATE DEPARTMENT in 3, 2, 1: "We don't know what happened, but all of those records are missing. They must have been inadvertently deleted. Once we figure out what happened, we'll get back to you. But we know it will take some time. Like months and years even."
  14. You don't usually capitalize any words in your sentences, you fu ck wad.
  15. Yeah, birdbrain always stays on topic - although he scrambles the message and twists it to conform to his contorted mindset. And he never speaks ill of other professions. One wonders how such an august intellectual have the time and inclination to spend hours a day here repeating the same droll leftist talking points over and over again ad nauseaum with the likes of people that he feels superior to. I guess he's trying to take up gator's slack.
  16. That administration might have been negligent in that they didn't foresee the danger to the Marines stationed there. Regan never figuratively spit on their graves though. Regan never lied to the American people about what happened, nor did he blame their deaths on some ridiculous, fictitious construct in order to keep him ahead in the polls going into an election.
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