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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. The more this happens, the more quickly the dystopian future George Orwell envisioned in his tome 1984. The Party Leader who thrives in a cult of personality. The Ministry of Truth - rewriting history to conform to the party line. Destruction of any records that don't contain their falsifications and forgeries. Superstates in perpetual war.
  2. So, now that we've learned that Shady stabbed two different policemen in the eyes with an ice pick, has our opinion of him changed at all, or is he still persona non-Grata in Buffalo? I just want to be ready to cheer for Bills players that have been approved 100% cheerable by the fan base before I commit.
  3. I'm going to go out on a limb here. I predict there will be a winner, and I predict there will be a loser.
  4. Why did we ever trade Bobby Chandler? Why didn't we re-sign Joe Cribbs? Why did we let Biscuit and Conlan go? Who the !@#$ decided to let Bruce, Thurman, and Andre walk the same year? Did we HAVE to trade OJ to SF? Why did we let Chris Spielman go to Cleveland for "past considerations"? Did we really let James Lofton walk? Why did Don Beebe not get re-signed... he won a SuperBowl. And how in the Hell did Ron McDole ever get away? We drafted Tom Cousineau and let him get away. Seriously?
  5. I'd compare them then, to the glass that holds the opaque name-your-flavor milkshake. You can clearly see what's going on, on the surface. Under that film, not so much.
  6. What? Don't cha know? They spit on the shoes of the wealthy people that help provide their living.
  7. Attorney General declines to provide any details on Clinton email investigation. "U.S. Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch repeatedly declined to answer any questions on Tuesday about her department’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a personal email server while she was secretary of state, making for a bizarre congressional hearing in which she referred questions about the matter to a man lower than her on the organizational chart. At the outset of her testimony Tuesday before the House Judiciary Committee, Lynch said it would be 'inappropriate for me to comment further on the underlying facts of the investigation or the legal basis for the team’s recommendation.'" Once again the "most transparent administration in history" has come up short in the morals, ethics, and scruples departments. In the immortal words of the immortal Marv Levy, "You've been bought. I say, you've been bought!"
  8. Well, to be fair, they're the most supportive fans of an NFL cheating franchise - hands down. So there is that.
  9. Bernie is a self-serving fraud. He ran as an Independent, then immediately after he was elected, he decided to caucus with the Dems because they have him an important committee seat. He remained an Independent until about three months ago when - whoopsie! the Dems threatened to kick him off the America's Got Idiots debating podium. His wife ran a scam on the Catholic church in NH to get money for a college she was running and left them pounding sand. He's about as "principled" as a shoe-shine boy in Brooklyn. He's poisoned the minds of a generation of Americans with his "progressive" clap trap nonsense. Hate the rich. Envy and theft are his creed. His motto should be "give the government your money, because they need it more than you do." Someone should have taken a baseball bat to his noggin years ago. Come to think of it, that's what might have caused him to become such a crazy loon and first class fool.
  10. Wait. Biofuel is the answer. I read it right here. Anyway it was cool here this morning, so I'm not buying the climate change crap. Then again, it got warmer this afternoon. Maybe I should reconsider becoming a believer. It's so hard to know what to do.
  11. I hear ya ICSWID... dreaming of Sparkle. That made me think of this. Of course, if this is what your dreams are like, I can see why you want to hold off on sleeping.
  12. Well, there are White Russians and Black Russians:
  13. It's hard to run against Santa Claus or a High Priest/Priestess of the Cargo Cult in this day and age.
  14. Here's proof that some cats are killing a lot of birds.
  15. Whoever elected Gerald Ford POTUS?
  16. :lol: BIOFUEL :lol: Nope. No CO2 will come from THAT! :lol: That sure sounds "progressive" to me!
  17. From B-Man's linked article: The "A Day in the Life of the EPA Administrator" gallery. Here's a "Typical Day" for her looks like. 7:24 am - EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy arrives for work in the morning with her trusty backpack – full of briefing materials, policy papers and speeches – in tow. (1/12) Shown emerging from her chauffeured Tahoe. 5:58 pm - Although she keeps a small apartment near EPA headquarters, almost every weekend McCarthy travels back to Boston, to her home and her husband. (12/12) Shown in the airport going back to her beloved Boston.
  18. As were Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan Sirhan, Mark Chapman, and John Hinkley. Mark Jaeger ‏@10thivi @VodkaPundit This just in from 1963: "FBI's Comey says 'no reasonable prosecutor' would bring a case against Oswald for Dallas shooting."
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