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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Now that's going too far. Jerks that threaten like that probably don't have the guts to even do the right thing and burn his place down.
  2. Trump's not worried about anything that isn't Donald Trump. He hired Pence. "That was enough talk about that other guy, now let's get back to talkin' about ME!"
  3. He probably stopped it once he got the latest invoice from Ted Olsen, et al.
  4. Let's not forget Carter's "War on Poverty", and Nixon's "War against drugs", and the Republican's "War against women".
  5. We must ban these: If it can save one child, it would be worth it. Think of the children.
  6. Will B. O. blame the Teamsters Union and call for a ban on tractor trailers now? 84 people dead. How horrible.
  7. Well, let's not lose sight of the fact that a few calls and non-calls have gone The Bills way over the years too. Don Beebe stepping about 1 1/2 feet out of bounds in the comeback game was a tremendous non-call. "Just give it to them" still rankles my azz, and the MCM is right up there too.
  8. Red, Blue, Green. She's white light, she's immaculate, she's pure.
  9. I'm amazed that MSNBC hasn't been 24/7 on this outrage.
  10. Winston Smith's job is to rewrite history. He works for the Ministry of Truth (Minitrue) and is responsible for propaganda and historical revisionism. "His job is to rewrite past newspaper articles, so that the historical record always supports the party line. A large part of the ministry also actively destroys all documents that have been edited and do not contain the revisions; in this way, no proof exists that the government is lying." Welcome to 1984.
  11. Purdue student facing trouble for anti BLM Facebook page. Ah, diversity and tolerance! The mantra of the Left.
  12. Here's something that's rich. George Clooney's vacation paradise is being "threatened" by refugees.
  13. Obviously they're faking it so they'll get some new "hot" leads.
  14. Good for you Pooj. That sounds like it was absolutely tremendous.
  15. It's The Board. Only one video in a post. I've run into this limitation a few times. Probably a good thing - things could get pretty crowded if more per post were allowed. Oh, and 200 Motels - one of the trippiest movies of all time. Flo & Eddie!
  16. I wonder what the possibility is that he retires before the season starts if he doesn't get a SCOTUS review. Sorta the ultimate, hold-my-breath-till-I-turn-blue-and-faint kind of hissy fit. I think he might just hang it up instead of having his record tarnished any further. I'm thinking how Mickey Mantle hated the fact that he fell below .300 lifetime during his last season. It haunted him to the grave.
  17. Frankly, that's exactly what I'm hoping we would get in a Trump Administration. Chris Christie as AG would absolutely kick their leftist azzes into orbit around Jupiter. Rudy Giuliani would be an excellent choice as well.
  18. And don't forget - they have the best fans in The League too! I read it right here. SCOTUS won't hear the case. This kind of labor law has been settled. There is no grounds for reversal. The Commish followed the CBA that the players union agreed to. End of story.
  19. All your courts are belong to us. Yeah, but you have to wear powdered wigs at the bar.
  20. http://www.cnbc.com/2016/07/13/us-appeals-court-refuses-to-reconsider-qb-tom-bradys-deflategate-case.html hahahahahahahahaha! Cheaters.
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