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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. That's exactly why I posted the news about it in the guns/more/less thread. The poor darling was probably upset that his order of couscous and lamb kebob wasn't prepared properly in that skank of an infidel-infested country Germany. He had to take it out on someone. He just had to.
  2. That's right. And once more, he said that he, "never INTENDED to break any laws" and that right there is the difference. [/hypocrisy]
  3. The time has come to call for a ban on axes. Leave no stone unturned to save the children and innocents.
  4. Yes indeedy. It was the 2010 SB and he was on their squad.
  5. If you ever do get to see her, you'd better hope you only can see her by looking through a telescope.
  6. I think it would be better if we totally realigned The League into just four Divisions. Here's my breakdown based on team names. The Wild West Division Bills Cowboys Broncos Colts Chiefs Texans Washington 49ers The Fortune Five Hundred Division Jints Titans Pats* Stealers Browns Buccaneers Raiders Vikings The Surf & Turf Division Bears Jaguars Bengals Lions Panthers Rams Dolphins Packers The Flying Thingies Division Falcons Iggles Seahawks Ravens Cardinals Saints Chargers Jets
  7. At least one former Jill used to post here regularly. She hasn't now in years. I respect the volunteer efforts the ladies made for whatever reason to help boost the team and hopefully make the gameday experience of the fans in the stands and watching on TV more festive. I also appreciate the work they did in the community at various events where they promoted the BB spirit (NO, not you BeerBall). That said, I think the rationale that they were due compensation because they had to practice, and perform at games and events is not warranted. I went through my High School days playing in a Drum and Bugle Corps and we had practices all year long, and sometimes two or three parades and/or competitions on weekends in the summer. I think that is very comparable to the efforts that NFL Cheerleaders put in, and none of the kids in my Corps or any other ever thought it was anything but a fun activity and we volunteered to do it. So, no. Don't bring them back.
  8. Right. Hope springs eternal. But getting the speech right worked wonders for a STATE Senator way back in 2004.
  9. #RadicallyInsaneIslamistTerroristsLivesMatter Don't kid yourself that this country has the guts to do anything near what would need to be done either. This generation of snowflakes have already melted down when faced with the job that had to be done. And the post Iraq War retreat of their hero and his bolstering of the Arab Spring and destabilization of Libya and Syria left the power vacuum that spawned the evil that is on the rise there and around the globe. He's not done fundamentally transforming America, but his fundamentalists are doing just fine in other parts of the world, and I think he could not be happier about it.
  10. Tell that to the German women in Koln.
  11. You miss the point of his anger. It wasn't that she was an "Internet star". He's a misogynistic goon that became outraged that she dared flaunt her sexuality openly. I really don't get how libs downplay or just plain ignore the Muslim war on women and GLAMTG, etc. Many Muslims despise our liberal culture completely.
  12. I believe it stems from Wahhabism, and the spread of that virulent hate-filled belief system is funded largely by the Saudi royal family. In order to keep themselves in power, they fund the building of mosques around the world that have clerics and schools that indoctrinate the impressionable with their particular brand of misogynistic, homophobic, Christianphobic, and anti Semite dogma. They are factories of hate, and they're sprinkled all over the world. IMO.
  13. Here's one that Rhino will appreciate. Here's another that compares it vis-à-vis with Rosatom. A little more juicy... New York Sen. Hillary Clinton, in Florida, keeps up the Democrat attacks on the deal. "These choices reveal a disheartening pattern of ideology, influence and incompetence that we have seen, and they violate our values and our interests," Clinton said. "I don't claim that Democrats are always right, but we are far more likely to make choices that reflect the values and advance the well-being of the American people." In her first public comments since Dubai Ports World volunteered to postpone its takeover, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said "We cannot cede sovereignty over critical infrastructure like our ports. This is a job that America has to do."
  14. That is correct, sir. But it's the kind of thing that his enemies take delight in reading just the top line.
  15. Well, to be fair, she did put up with Bill. So there is that. But then again, she viciously slammed the Bimbos in each of his eruptions. She also coordinated Craig LIvingstone's receiving the FBI records of Senators and Congressmen. That proved very helpful in shutting up Al D'Amato. She also parlayed a measly $1,000 into $100,000 in less than a year by being soooo savvy in the futures market. Even Trump couldn't do that. And she had no previous experience in futures trading either... beginner's luck! She also came up with the catch phrase, "Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy" much to the delight of her devoted following of mindless droogs. So, she's not completely without qualifications for the job.
  16. We ruled out a cruise through Europe this summer expecting lots of trouble to happen. Nothing says "American Target" quite like hiking around in tour groups wearing radio sets with earphones following a docent holding a banner through crowded European streets.
  17. There are impedance mismatches in American society. I believe there's a similar difference in how police are viewed.
  18. I dunno. I'm still looking forward to seeing more of this:
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