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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. This just in... Melania's speech writer has taken the fall. But Trump refused her resignation.
  2. Not to mention that if they smoke pot they'll drive even slower.
  3. Or done a thorough background check by hundreds of reporters and investigative journalists.
  4. Suppose they held a protest march and nobody came. It's pretty close to that according to some.
  5. There's no United States of Germany, the last time I looked.
  6. She's a Dem, so she can just say it was her speech writer's fault, so no biggie.
  7. I've often thought that is what we should do for the Jihadists. Advertise heavily for volunteers who want to strike out at the West. Give them training in a desert camp and load them by the hundreds on buses and planes and make them all just disappear into a black hole.
  8. да "Reset" is "сброс". Her button said "перегрузка" which is "overload". Ah yes, the ultimate coming together of the two parties.
  9. Just went over the TZB a couple of weeks ago. If that's shut down for very long (more than a few hours) it will make for monumental traffic jams at the other crossings... and there aren't that many. That said, it seems like they are making a lot of progress on the new spans. Hope this doesn't set them back too much.
  10. Exactly. We don't need GBID to post a picture of each in a "Would Ya?" thread to know the answer to that.
  11. If she's lucky her next job will be hanging out at the east end of the Lincoln tunnel working the night shift.
  12. сброс? нет. перегрузка!
  13. But it hasn't yet quite reached the level of their delving into Sarah Palin's emails, her personal and family history, or of Romney's high school hi jinks and of course we still don't know if Melania has a horse.
  14. Yes, nothing quite says "democracy" like, "Let the purges begin!"
  15. You're so friggin' obtuse. You have a lock for a brain. Gigo.
  16. Oh, and "You didn't build that." No, that was Phouxahontas ripping off Professor Lakoff, then Obama ripping them both off.
  17. There's gun control here in the USA as well. Maybe you can educate yourself regarding the German gun laws. This (now dead) criminal could have had access to firearms including semi-automatic pistols, but the shi thead wasn't disciplined enough to go through with the required process, and he probably didn't have the scoots to buy one on the black market or wasn't plugged into the ISIS network. I find your assertion that if a passenger was packing that there would be more dead dubious at best.
  18. Yes. And he must be executed right away. Right away, I tell you. Right away. Execute him right now! Right now! He must be executed right now!
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