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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. I can imagine the hateful Republican-bashing speech he'll whip up for them. Of course the MSM won't get it translated. Viva La Raza!
  2. Well I don't believe he has a magic wand to fix all of that in that manner. However, a start would be to grow the !@#$ing economy which has been stagnating since it got blown the hell up back in 2008. It's clear that BO and his minions didn't have a !@#$ing clue on how to do it. I doubt the Liary does either, if she thinks her man knows so much about how to grow the economy.
  3. All eyes on Philly now. Wonder if they will serve up the violence the media so craves.
  4. Most definitely a bad choice. It should have been this:
  5. Can't take too many of these: http://youtu.be/HwiMtGsFHwA?list=PL82A7F346625C26DA
  6. Thanks. I believe in forgiveness and second chances. What he did was despicable but they let Ron Mexico back and Drunk Driver killers too. But if some team does give him that chance, I expect him to work harder off the field than on it to attempt to rehabilitate his image.
  7. Cruz became completely unhinged this morning. We haven't seen political theater like this since Gore Vidal goaded William F. Buckley Jr. into threatening to "Sock you in the God Damned Jaw!" on live TV by calling him a Nazi. It cost Vidal an large undisclosed sum to settle it out of court. I still can't stand Rick Sanctimonious because of his treatment of Romney back in 2012 after he had clinched the nomination. He very begrudgingly climbed aboard the bandwagon in the late hours of the campaign, but he was poopy diapers all the way. Cruz is dead to me now. And I voted for him.
  8. True and true. I'm not convinced though that a Trump Presidency would ultimately changing the arc we're traveling toward autocratic rule. I think most conservatives and perhaps libertarians would sign on for limiting the Executive Branch's powers, i.e., getting back to The Constitution. But I think most Republicans and Democrats would be just fine with giving that branch near dictatorial powers... as long as it was their person in the driver's seat. I confess there is something very enticing thinking about Chris Christie as AG prosecuting Hillary and Lois, and a **** load of other pols who have screwed over their political enemies.
  9. Now he needs legs?!!! Oh jeese, this is a lot more serious than the FO led us to believe.
  10. "I've got a beautiful phone. It is to bee-ooo-tee-full. I know you're gonna love it. And, and... and I've got a pen. Not a cheap Bic like Foolish Obama has, it's a really, really great one. It's a Mont Blanc. It's a wonderful pen. It has a 24 carat gold barrel. It's gonna be so great when I use my bee-ooo-tee-full pone and my really great pen to first, to first overturn all of Foolish President Obama's executive orders. All of Foolish Obama's orders, and replace them with my very own much better executive orders. They are really, really great. They are much, much better executive orders. I can't tell you anymore about them just yet. Not just yet. Not yet. Because the time is not right. The time isn't right just yet. Thank you. No more questions now. I've got to catch a helicopter."
  11. Watch the video. I'll say it, "The cops acted STUPIDLY!" He was lying on his back with his hands up outstretched. He could not have been more vulnerable. http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/21/us/miami-officer-involved-shooting/index.html Sorry. It wasn't you. It was DrinkTHEKoolaid. Case of mistaken identity. Good thing I'm not a cop on the lookout for fugitive robbers. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/185546-liberal-protests/?p=3987639
  12. Politics is dirty business. Saw Cruz this morning. I voted for him in the primary, but he is toast now. That wasn't "integrity" on display. He was butt hurt over Trump's comments about his wife and father. He committed seppuku on national TV, literally spilling his guts out for all to see. It was far worse than Ed Muskie's tearful meltdown caused by William Loeb's comments about his wife.
  13. Actually it was in the "Liberal Protest" thread. But you did post it there and I responded too. There is absolutely no justification for this shooting. None. Thank God that the man was "only" shot in the leg - three times.
  14. I rather think that a lot of folks on both sides of the isle and political spectrum are none too keen on police forces across the country getting uber armed-up. But you have to realize it didn't happen in a vacuum. I personally blame azzholes like Larry Phillips and Emil Matasareanu for getting things escalated.
  15. Thanks. I saved a copy. My next call is to my tax accountant to tell him to prepare for an IRS audit in 2017.
  16. It was up about an hour ago. Wish I had saved it. The Clinton Ministry of Truth had it taken down. Dangerous untruths and lies about the Party Leader Big Clinton must be erased.
  17. This kind of thing has to stop! I think this is reprehensible behavior by the police, and I hope the shooter loses his job and serves time. This is about as egregious as the Police in Baltimore killing Freddie Gray. Make no mistake about it, they killed him.
  18. There are probably more ISIS fighters in the US than the number of people that watch that channel.
  19. Yes. LA nailed it. Doesn't matter what it is or what it does. It's what they think in their warped little uninformed minds that it might do and therefore...
  20. Sweet Jesus, she's nuts. Kalashnikov automatic rifle model 1974 is illegal to own. The Armalite Rifle Design 15 is not an automatic weapon.
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