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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Surround the text you want to format with square brackets around a capital letter I (for italics). Then close that section of text with a backslash capital letter I surrounded by square brackets. [ I ]text to be italicized here [ /I]. I had to put in spaces in the brackets so it wouldn't be interpreted as HTML code. But a B instead of an I, and the text will be bolded.
  2. Perhaps you should visit the Trump Alone at The Top Thread that Gene started some time ago.
  3. The "Giants troll" is in reference to "Very Wide Right" as a screen name for a "Bills" fan. He tolls on the main board too. Somehow he and Tom got into it about 911 and the Pentagon. I skipped over a lot of that inanity like I do so many of the verbal fights between two or three posters. Now that's uncalled for.
  4. I believe this stems from a root misunderstanding between Tom and the Giants troll. Tom stated many times that he was the plane crash into the Pentagon on 911. Somehow it got twisted in their back and forth and the Giant troll believed that Tom said he saw rockets fired into it. ****, for all I know Tom might have said something like that in a frustrated sarcastic response to him. Anyway, the Giant Troll has oft repeated that ridiculous assertion.
  5. It's all those colleges and universities who have professors, administrators, staff, groundskeepers, cafeteria help that completely volunteer their services. And let's not forget the construction companies and workers who build the campi, and the utility companies that furnish the gas, water, electricity, telecommunications, etc. That's all freely given gratis, no string attached. All this so the little darlings can get a real education that will get them nowhere in life but hey, at least it'll be for free. Once they figure out how to get all those folks to donate their time and money and work.
  6. Or else suffer the horrible ignominy of having a red line drawn across the 38th parallel.
  7. I just heard they're trying to get Sanders to put Hillary's name up in nomination. What a schmuck! Total sell-out.
  8. “A lot of people aren’t familiar with her accomplishments,” Mook told ABC’s “Good Morning America,” I'll be riveted to the TV myself to become acquainted with her "accomplishments".
  9. They were booing everyone - even FLOTUS. It's great to see the veil lifted if ever so briefly to have the despicable antics of the DNC exposed for the thugs they are. They're only sorry they got caught.
  10. Shots Fired! At a University hospital in gun-free Berlin, Germany. Idiot shoots Doctor, then himself. He should have reversed that firing order.
  11. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/1504518/rouen-saint-etienne-du-rouvray-isis-1504518/ They beheaded the priest. Such noble righteous religious warriors for peace and love. Ever wonder like Clinton did what the meaning of IS IS?
  12. He's obviously lying. Our very own President and Secretary of State have told us the real danger in the world is Climate Change/Global Warming/Trump Presidency.
  13. Hillary's "Four Brutal Poll Numbers", and this from The WashPo nonetheless.
  14. Deranged Rhino, on 25 Jul 2016 - 4:25 PM, said:
  15. The Republican party of old is no more. Trump mortally wounded it. Look at the Dems, they've morphed into a Frankenstein monster. It's heart and soul is "progressive" socialism, and it's brains is grandma and grandpa (both Clintons, Pelosi, Reid). It would have been the kiss of death had they espoused those principles from the 60s to 2000. Now they're pleased as punch to be seen as Santa Claus. Trump's Republican party probably has more in common with the old Democrat mainstream now. At least he got the conservative right to shut the !@#$ up about gays. That's something. It was a total loser talking point. It should never have been a talking point. The gub'ment needs to stay the hell out of our bedrooms. If you're Donald Trump, you thirst for power. That's what you do. If you want to save money on car insurance - switch to Geico. I still would like to see AG Chris Christie go after Clinton and Lerner.
  16. Her Highness will be safe! 4 mile long 8ft high fence erected around her temporary HQ.
  17. Good question. For the guinea pig's sake, I certainly hope so.
  18. I think he said it got past Cleveland. I also think he only posts here when he's drunk. Gets a handle of vodka and posts like mad on his days off while getting dizzy from chugging the 80 proof.
  19. If only it were a gun-free zone, this could have been avoided.
  20. I was going to mention Chucky Schumer, but others have already. He's contemptible.
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