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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Nice to know The Bills will be opening up the 2017 season against the Pats* and Fins.
  2. Then they simply circle the wagons like all good Bills fans do.
  3. Try a little harder will ya, to get your excitement quotient up there.
  4. Sure. No problem-o, and I really could see Rudy Giuliani as head of the DHS signing on to that.
  5. Can't entirely disagree. However, to the father's premise, if Trump really did get his way, then their son would still be alive today. The parent's outrage should be leveled at Hillary - who actually approved of and voted for the war that took their son's life. But everyone knows that Trump won't and can't stop all Muslims from entering the country. He is in favor of vetting the Syrian refugees that B. O. is letting swarm into our country. I don't think that's completely unreasonable. As to disrespecting soldiers and Marine "Corpsemen," the current autocrat has set a new low bar that one would hope would be raised back up to the level of historic tradition. I know Hillary has utter contempt for the police, Secret Service, and military that guard her every waddle and shouted harangue while speaking down to the American voters like a third grade teacher would to a class of disobedient children who just don't get how truly wonderful she is. HOW DARE THEY NOT VOTE FOR ME?!!!
  6. We should also petition them to give up their limos and restrict all their employees to use public transportation. In fact, they should not be allowed to own a car or have a spouse/significant other that owns/leases an automobile.
  7. That's the definition of a pathological liar. She failed the Bar exam - twice. After hooking up with the AG from Arkansas, he arranged for her to take it individually, and voila! She passed. She was fired from her position in the Watergate Committee for lying and recommending breaking the law. Her Rose Law Firm days were earmarked by the WhiteWater scandal from which her billing records went AWOL and surfaced months later after they were sanitized. Several people including Chelsea's father went to prison over that scandal. I'm not going to mention Vince Foster. Wherever this snail crawls she exudes a slimy trail of upended rules of order. She crashes through politics like a bull in a china shop and demands she has no accountability and that others are responsible for her messes and cleaning them us is not her concern.
  8. That's good. Probably better than the Bills Propaganda and Agitation Department.
  9. I think there is a coup attempt going on right now, and Erdogen is at the head of it. We're witnessing nothing less than a Stalinesque purge of political enemies. Hillary is drooling over the possibilities.
  10. Matt Cassel. http://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/C/CassMa00.htm Actually had three decent years, but he's been craptastic for most of his career including his one game as starter here.
  11. I think the tax records business started with Romney... George Romney. When he ran for President he was criticized for being "rich" (which never bothered the Dems about the Kennedys, by the way). He (George) released his lifetime tax records - just to clear the air about his wealth from running American Motors.
  12. Is Delaware that other state that borders Washington, DC - our nation's capital?
  13. Newerginia. Or was it Nowjina? I forget. I've been too focused on Russian hackers.
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