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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. In Trump's case, he claimed he had a relationship with Putin, before he said he doesn't have one. In Hillary's case, as SoS she let the Rooskies gain control of our nation's uranium production - while coincidentally $200,000,000.00 was given to her family's "charity", and she stood up to those Slavic cretins and bravely gave the bastages a "Reset Overcharge" button! So what if John Podesta's firm got $35 million from them. That's $35 million less than they had... She'll keep this up and they'll run out of cash, and then she'll have them eating out of her hand.
  2. That's some rock-solid foreign policy decision. Sounds like a reality TV show. No wonder B. O. is terrified of Trump becoming POTUS. He'll investigate everything. Hillary will just carry on with the same lame ****.
  3. Somebody said something about them getting the kicker from UCLA once the Texans cut him.
  4. This story has legs now. One would think the Clintonistas would be a little more careful in choosing their attack dogs. DWS, Bloomberg, Buffett, and now a sleazy lawyer. Who's next - Alan Grayson?
  5. Whoopsie! "The media, along with Hillary Clinton and her supporters throughout the Democratic Party establishment, has pushed the line of attack against Trump for days. Now on Tuesday, President Barack Obama has said that Trump is “unfit” to serve as President over the matter. Even a group of anti-Trump congressional Republicans has gone after Trump on the matter. But as Breitbart News and other new media have exposed Khan’s various deep political and legal connections to the Clintons—and to Muslim migration—the attack line has crumbled. Now, with Khan deleting his website in an apparent effort to hide his biographical information, the attack is falling apart even more." There's a song stench of desperation in the air. Mr. Kahn's hastily deleted website.
  6. Awesome! The entire human race originated in Africa. We're all black! Now, give me my free sh it.
  7. Every time I watch "How It's Made" I realize that all manufacturing is done in Kanuckistan.
  8. I'm very glad The Bills didn't get this guy. I think he was over-drafted.
  9. Talk incessantly and carry a pen - THAT's B. O.'s foreign policy.
  10. Is that anywhere near Whoopsiedaisy?
  11. Well, everybody should just pay their fair share. Whatever the hell that means.
  12. Hillary won't throw out a first pitch anywhere, but she's already warming up to sing the National Anthem:
  13. My wife went to Istanbul a few years ago and was really bothered by the fact that they had heavily armed (AK-47s?) police all over the place. She went to dinner at a restaurant that was installed at the "Midnight Express" prison. She was happier than usual to be back in America after that particular overseas trip.
  14. On a regular computer Bing and Google both show the results.
  15. Which is a surprise to exactly no one... except for Trump perhaps.
  16. Good to hear. Glad you're all safe.
  17. NFLN showed that they'll have a report from SJF today at the 3 o'clock hour.
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