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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. I'm excited to have him on The Bills. With the **** storm we had at RB last year wrt injuries, it looks like we've got some quality depth should once the inevitable happens.
  2. Go ahead and set your sights low BBF if you want. But for me, it will be a wasted PreSeason if they don't win 5.
  3. Wang, Wood, and Levitre... there was more than MSG that was loaded in that scandal.
  4. With a leader this brilliant, no wonder the economy is booming.
  5. Shades of Mordor! It looks worse than I thought.
  6. And that's not showing their presence on social media and their influence there - which is great and quite effective in influencing and nurturing the lone wolves into home-grown terrorist thrill seekers.
  7. That's only because they found out he's Norwegian. So, it's a safe story to advance... now.
  8. There's still a chance. He could fail his Miami physical.
  9. Nice try 26CB, but it ain't gonna make up for the fact that nobody posted any good information about Day 5.
  10. I wonder if the State Department violated the nation's Money Laundering Statute. Title 31 USC Section 5332 –Also as a result of the USA Patriot Act was the passage of Title 31 USC 5332, Bulk Cash Statute. Criminal Investigation has jurisdiction to investigate violations of this statute. This affects anyone who transports or attempts to transport currency or other monetary instruments of more than $10,000, from a place within the United States to a place outside of the United States, or from a place outside the United States to a place within the United States, and knowingly conceals it with the intent to evade the reporting requirements of 31 USC 5316.
  11. So frustrating! It's after 5:00 PM and STILL no news.
  12. "Yes, its true. We have the same taste in women."
  13. I stand corrected... while Whales squatted.
  14. Maybe they have Komodo Dragon on the menu. It'd be the next best thing.
  15. The Brits use it to wrap fish with. Some use it to line the bottom of a birdcage.
  16. They're two sides of the same coin. They are the insider elites. Join their country club - if you can, and you're blessed. I think there are few career politicians these days that are altruistically motivated to do what's best for the country. They're too busy trying to get and stay elected. Trump is an outsider even in New York. He's not a part of the Manhattanite Elite club. If he drops out of the race he will have destroyed the Republican party, and perhaps the country. Maybe that's been his goal all along. Run and file for bankruptcy at the last minute.
  17. Wait till Hillary gets enshrined on her throne. She'll become best buds with the Ayatollah.
  18. That's an unspoken benefit of a Trump Presidency. Tens of thousands of liberals, entertainers, and intelligentsia will leave the country.
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