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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. I never have, and I doubt I ever will think of him as a real Yankee.
  2. When my swelling goes down, I typically kiss my wife, then roll over, draw up the bed sheets and go to sleep. Doesn't happen often anymore though.
  3. He could be the first white black president then. He'll also be the first Democrat Republican president too. 'Cept he ain't gonna make it. I'm adjusting my sights to realizing we'll be hearing that hag's cackle for at least the next four years shouting down to Americans like we're unruly children and she's the school marm anointed to discipline us.
  4. No. Literally "The Golden Fleece" was more important. We certainly got fleeced of all our gold too. :thumbdown:
  5. Yolo >>>>> google = Yolo google = meh in matters Bills related.
  6. Bummer. Dean we're like this when you don't post camp notes: And we're like this when you do:
  7. Al Kaline sells bottled water now? I always wondered what he did after he retired from the Tigers.
  8. Bet they can't wait to get Bill back in the White House. Man, they'll be crusin' again full time!
  9. Maybe Bob would be so kind as to offer Reggie Ragland some pot so his injured knee heals quickly.
  10. The Bills are pretty deep in a lot of areas, but none compares to The Fans. We're deeper than whale ****.
  11. Well, actually the Radiologist reads the images and gives a report to the orthopedic surgeon who analyzes the images, reads the report and forms his own opinion and recommends treatment options based on that analysis. So it could actually be a second or third opinion. That's my opinion.
  12. So it's settled then. He's out for the season if not longer.
  13. That's an awfully high bar you've set there Mr. WEO.
  14. Especially when there's swelling involved. Third and fourth words... is retired.
  15. Would hate to be one of those medicine balls. All three of them look like they're doing pretty well.
  16. How about a remake of The Wizard of Oz with Arnold Schwarzenegger in the role of Dorothy.
  17. He does know how to play slow ball. Trump could borrow one of his catch phrases: "It's hard to win an election."
  18. Of coarse you no it's now called Viceland.
  19. I agree completely. It would be much better to sit him on the bench and let him develop there all throughout training camp.
  20. $5M bonus if we get into the playoffs $10M if we get to the Super Bowl $20M if we win it.
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