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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. So do they get to Buffalo by team bus or are they driving themselves?
  2. Obama was a dope in that debate. He wasn't prepared at all. I remember John Sununnu's interview with Andrea Mitchell after that. She thought JS was making a racial slur against B. O. when he called him "lazy".
  3. Ladies and Gentlemen, your next President of the Untied States: http://youtu.be/2Ojeiby_l7E
  4. Perhaps The Donald would benefit from taking voice lessons.
  5. Correct. It was James Orthwein - who bought the team from Victor "She's a Classic B word" Kiam - hired Bill Parcells in 1993. Parcells left in a huff for the JESTS in 1996. The Tuna musta chaffed at Kraft's style, or was pizzed that Orthwein didn't move that team to St. Louis like he said he wanted to.
  6. Best part of the off season is reading Astro's camp notes.
  7. Yeah, sure. But can he line up offsides three or four times a game?
  8. Obviously Irsay reads TSW, obviously. He thinks Luck is a Michael Phelps. What Luck is, is slightly more mobile Drew Bledsoe.
  9. Things to watch: Raindrops keep falling on my head.
  10. John boy's gonna have to make a keerection on his prognostication.
  11. Bah! It's gonna be like watching the laundry getting washed in a front loader. Swish-swash, spin-spin, swish-swash. Wash, rinse, repeat.
  12. No. He's an edge set "watcher". Not an edge set maker.
  13. Welcome back Hogboy! Man, it's been a while now hasn't it? How are the volunteer firefighters doing up in Mass? Still setting fires so they've got something to do?
  14. EJ bashing just never gets old for some poor souls.
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