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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Well, it's been shortened some over the years. It started out as, "the proof of the pudding is in the eating." Make more sense now?
  2. Well. I bet you're happy now that you've got that off your chest. Any more love you have to share with the group?
  3. Come on over to PPP. Boob in Michigan started a thread about this very subject. It's like appointment TV. Pray tell, please name some of them.
  4. Maybe he took Viagra, hit the four hour mark and had to slam a window down on his erection to get the swelling down. Just sayin'.
  5. Maybe they'll include the Ben Hur commercial when they do The Bills.
  6. NY Times abandons objectivity because they know what's best for me and you.
  7. Well, I for one will not be watching any games that year.
  8. !@#$ that. I hope The Bills go 16-0.
  9. The Birds are having their worst off season... ever! Good luck Bruce.
  10. The new Giants/Jets stadium did that the first year it opened. Pepsi, Verizon, Budwiser, and MetLife all had a named gate. Then MetLife entered into an exclusive deal for the entire stadium name. Lots of folks were a bit peeved about it... "It'll ALWAYS be 'The Meadowlands' to me!" See, small minds aren't just in Western New York.
  11. He's not elite when attempting to cover Sammy. That said, not too many WRs can get Revis to wring the sweat out of his own jock during a game like Sammy can. http://youtu.be/S1iEe7F3Keo
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