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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Perhaps it's time for another red line... in the water this time. Don't forget, once we signed that nuclear deal, they're gonna love us. They're really, really gonna love us. B.O. said so.
  2. Simmah down Joe. She's the daughter of a Senator. A Democrat Senator. Learn to chill.
  3. Well, you have to admit - that approach worked so well for Obamacare. It's a liberal strategy. They know what's best. Force it on the people. Sieg Heil!
  4. Absolutely! It was cool this morning, and now it's gotten quite warm outside. Why would it do that? I believe that is due mostly to global warming... anthropomorphic of course.
  5. "Jews are 'adept at working the American political system of presidential democracy'," and "Muslims are excluded because of 'handicaps, rebuffs, and dirty tricks'," and of course "the US bore responsibility for the 9/11 attacks." Just some of what Huma Abedin's magazine stated. She was listed on the masthead as an editor. Her mother still works for the mag. Good to know Hillary has such good close friends.
  6. Someone should tell Spanos that The Bills already won the off season.
  7. As hard as it may be to believe, it's August and they still control their own destiny. And WTF is lossed? lossed?lossed? How about lost. You know, like Yesus in the wilderness lost.
  8. It's easier to hide her bladder bag under that tent.
  9. I see what you did there. Careful. Doug Kenney was brilliant but very troubled. It's thought he killed himself in Hawaii by jumping off a cliff.
  10. I bet you do a very fine RiverDance. Do you wear taps or clogs? Are you required to use the inflatable sea serpent life raft while at work or do they let you run around like Jerry Lewis batting a helium balloon to keep you away from the machinery?
  11. Misogynist? Misogynist! You calling John Martin a B word? Pot, meet kettle. Trouble from their fans.
  12. I'm glad they cut him. Sends a no-nonsense message to all the players. Hit the road, Jack. We don't need your kind around here. Time was when we'd all wring our hands and fawn over an athlete with decent talent and a messed-up head. No more. It's a New Era baby!
  13. Speaking of exhaustive, have the media gotten to the bottom of Hillary's emails yet? Clinton Foundation Pay-to-Play? No? Well, we can bet it'll be just another news cycle or two before they do - amirite?
  14. It very well might be an insulin pump. She's got the makeup of a diabetic.
  15. So is Trump in this to create a new news network once he loses? That's a story CNN is desperately trying to create, hence the Roger Ailes "connection".
  16. Thank you for the explanation Ben Roethlisburger.
  17. Where's Schefter's surprise tweet about the season-ending shoulder surgery he's about to undergo, and all the other teams in The League had it flagged at The Combine, and that's why he was available for a gullible team? It mean there's a big rock in that poster's noggin.
  18. Shades of Gary Anderson. He tanked the entire preseason - missed EVERY FG attempt. Knox had to cut him and he went on to be absolutely great. If he had made even one FG, Knox could have kept him. G. Anderson
  19. I miss Hogan too. In fact I miss the entire show. Colonel Klink, Sergeant Schultz, and all the boys. It was quite entertaining, unlike this thread.
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