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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Yep. It's been nearly two whole days without a good EJ bashing thread. Some things never change.
  2. Ouch! One of the reasons I hate the Colts so much. Then they also took Marchibroda. They moved by Mayflower to Indy. Rotten fans. Worse owner. Indoor soulless stadium. I could go on...
  3. Not so sure about Edwards, but the rest seems about right. Haven't seen that game yet. It's on tomorrow at 1:00. Wonder if I get to finish it before The Bills hand in their cuts... though they're usually not handing in their list very early.
  4. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000691151/article/nfl-roster-cuts-tracker-teams-trimming-to-75-players The Bills have 43 on the Offense and 41 on Defense, plus 4 dedicated ST players. They have to get down to 75 tomorrow by 4:00 PM Eastern. Who goes first?
  5. What does a Quarter Pounder at Mickey D's cost these days? It was about $0.75 when introduced in 1972.
  6. Is that broadcast in Canada? I hear that's an Apples country. This is an Oranges country.
  7. Sounds to me like you're really on the fence about this guy. Why, yes. Yes indeed. Game Pass trial started last week would have gotten you the Jints and the Warshington games.
  8. I dunno. Maybe Rob Ryan gets a cut on his finger from exuberant use of a steak knife at the training table? Overdorf gets a paper cut while signing checks?
  9. Carpenter. We'll pick up Ka'imi Fairbairn after the Texans cut him.
  10. Nice to see the "Cash for Clunkers" money finally stimulating the economy.
  11. Well this is certainly interestin'. Apparently in March of this year a Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan endorsed Hillary for President. AND the Klan says they've given over $20,000 to her campaign. Gee. I don't remember seeing any reference to that endorsement in Hillary's speech yesterday. Guess hate groups going mainstream aren't a bad thing, as long as they're donating to the right campaign.
  12. That's right. Take too much and, well look what it did to this guy: The dose has to be precisely delivered:
  13. I think the logic is a little convoluted as a couple of posters seem to be thinking the question is who's going to have a monster year. The question is who's going to disappear in the regular season - after looking good in TC/PS? Kujo.
  14. Gotta go after crossbows now. Can't have people killing other people with crossbows. No sir.
  15. First thing I thought of WRT this story. The delivery mechanism is about $0.20 in cost. Epinephrine isn't patent protected. Some enterprising generic company could come in and take a huge chunk of that market pretty easily IMHO. That's the only thing that will make the Whipley Snidelash roll back their pricing.
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