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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. "Secretary Clinton already went to Mexico in 2014". Tone deaf on her handlers' part. She's treating the Mexican President and the Mexican people like she treats our African Americans and citizens of Hispanic descent... like little children whose votes she's owed because of her empty promises. After the election and she gets what she wants... nothing changes for them.
  2. Like "finishing everything on his plate at dinner, walking old ladies across the street, and taking out the garbage before he's been asked to" good? I think he's got that covered. I also expect him to continue to grow as a professional. He's certainly shown that he's comfortable being the #1 guy in OTAs and TC and PS games so far. I'm expecting the entire O will be better this year than last, and it's not hard to imagine how the D could be better than the 2015 edition. It's a team game. All the pieces have to come together and stay together. I'm hoping for no more injuries this entire year.
  3. Ah, a CGF Fan Club meeting , I see. I'm here! :vanillavodkashot:
  4. Are you nuts? I don't want to have my right to own guns restricted because I don't smoke marijuana.
  5. You can see the strain on his face from playing 1,000 rounds of golf and still not breaking 100 - on the first nine.
  6. I don't have to drive 'em 70 mph to get her screaming at the top of her lungs in exhilaration. Just sayin'. I am built for comfort, not for speed.
  7. To be fair, she should have been leaving office this year. Instead it's B. O. who usurped her position in time that's exiting stage left. "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."
  8. So you think not being host to a cordial meeting with a potential American President would be more ingratiating? Why not begin to build a foundation for a relationship early on? Stonewalling him till he gets in office won't get him to soften his approach. It would likely harden his resolve. I think he earned a lot of good will and respect from The Donald. It's the start of what could be a constructive relationship. He should be able to sell that to his people. But the BlackLivesMatter moms and excluding murdered police officer's families at the Democrat Convention was a hug and a kiss to all America.
  9. Yes. It's the DNC formerly headed by DWS, now headed by Donna Brazile - who's never met a dead Democrat voter she doesn't like.
  10. 'Tis the season to be plugging specific holes. Like German smear mortar in a brick wall. Absolutely. The Pro Player Personnel watch the waiver wire and keep an eye on players that the team had on their draft boards - going back years. That's one big reason not to clean house every two to three years. It's like giving yourself a lobotomy. Each draft class has a lifespan and each player in it has their own career trajectory. So if you had someone on your board and a few years later he becomes available, you show some interest if it's a match.
  11. Kallage bio Lewis and Johnny Foosball Seahawks tried to trade him... no takers. Good move by Whales to pick him up.
  12. Anybody really think The Agency would destroy one of their own main enclaves? Porquoi? Seen too much "Homeland" perhaps.
  13. This could be a very good pickup for The Bills. Valesco hasn't shown much this off season.
  14. I'm a bit torn. He's hammered The Bills mercilessly and IMO irresponsibly ever since Ralph gave his boyfriend Donahoe the heave-ho. I don't wish him any ill will and hope he makes a full recovery. I just wish he'd lighten up on The Bills if he comes back full time.
  15. One can only hope that that a-hole got mugged on her walk back to her destination.
  16. He did a credible job. Media will focus on his hair and say he "capitulated" on the wall.
  17. WTF? I'm glow-in-the-dark white, and some of my friends are white too. I have zero "problem" with having three "black" QBs on The Bills. I wouldn't care if the entire team and coaching staff were "black". I'd still root for them. The only "colors" I see when I watch them are Blue, White, and Red. edit: I see even more red when the refs hose us, and when I read a bunch of garbage like the posted articles above. Good Lord. Get a life.
  18. "Cadillac plans" are very hard to find these days - unless you're in a union or a member of the public sector - which makes the employer's plans exempt from the "luxury"tax - because that's fair. I have my HC coverage through my wife's work. They dropped below the Cadillac plan level to something more like a Chevy II plan. So now we have higher premiums, higher deductibles, and oh yes - the best part is that we get to pay over $3,000 in extra Fed taxes - because we "make too much" and it's "fair" to do so.
  19. FWIW, the video I posted above is a crock. The outward blasts of dust happened because the roof fell down on the floor at each level. The windows were blown out and the dust with it. The added weight of each floor just added more force to the cycle of step and repeat. The top four floors received their maximum stress when that group hit the ground and its fall was no longer buffered by the successive collapsing of the floors below. Like the man said when the elevator cable snaps - it's not the fall that'll kill ya. It's the sudden stop when you get to the bottom.
  20. http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/design/a3524/4278874/
  21. Well, the Texans put Ka'imi Fairbairn on their Reserve/Injured list yesterday. They're stashing him. So, Cap stays put here.
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