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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Might not be a surprise if we find out that Kim's put a poison pill in the Gatorade of any player with a DV incident. Wasn't there another player cut recently that had something of a DV in his past? Ah yes, Karlos Williams. What happened to him? Maybe they move on up to the top of the cut list.
  2. Ach! Wass is a few dozens rapes in Koln on a holiday weekend anyvays? Vee've seen mouch verse in our past. Mouch verse.
  3. Oh. So THAT's what Stoner Bob meant. What he wrote was: I took it to mean that gun ownership could be restricted to just stoners like Bob. I guess what he meant to say was, is it okay to restrict patients who have prescriptions for "medical" marijuana from owning guns?"
  4. And according to PFT, they could be in hot water with The League for signing him to a contract before the news of his release was given to all other teams. Jurrah - yur too smart by half! Ride the year out, while demonstrating that infinite patience you're so well know for.
  5. Well then, aren't I the lucky one for having not read that piece of sheet article!
  6. Correct! The players they still have, but are on season ending Injured Reserve are: Blake Annen Jonathan Dowling IK Enemkpali Chris Gragg Randell Johnson Marquis LUcas Reggie Ragland James Wilder Jr. Thought I heard they'll do an injury settlement with IK. The rest should be available for TC next year. They have two players on "Reserve/PUP" Marcus Easley and Shaq Lawson One of those two will be activated after week 6 - if they're healthy enough. edit: They still have Easley as 3rd string 2nd WR. Not sure how that comports to the six weeks NFL rule. Maybe he's exempt because he's named to the final 53 roster.
  7. He's probably got a huge case of the red azz by now.
  8. If he's a FA, he can decide where he wants to go, or to hang it up.
  9. But it's what the "Progressives" are so yearning for. Forward!
  10. FWIW, their father said that Glenn is the most athletic of all the brothers. My darling daughter dear went to Kallage with the oldest brother Gordy. Sounds like the family dinner scene from "Whiplash".
  11. Congrats Walt! May you have a very long and productive career as a Buffalo Bill.
  12. Oh, I imagine Sully and Gleason would be totally behind it.
  13. I'm halfway between Philly and NY, so no joy here either. But hey, if I were a Jests/Jints/Iggles fan, I'm be sitting pretty, 'cause their games are always on. Always.
  14. It's colder here today that it was yesterday. Now I believe in global cooling. When does the next Ice Age start?
  15. You will see the answer to that in the very first debate. Lester Holt is a dirtbag who is totally in the tank for Hillary. This was posted to yousetoobs June 23, 2016 http://youtu.be/IhzRABE4Mqw Posted to yousetoob May 5, 2016
  16. You're right. But it's part of the game. No vets will be cut after Wk 1 'cause their entire salary is guaranteed. The young'uns know there's liable to be subject to a roster move, or two, or three. O'Leary, Gronk
  17. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner! Ah- hem... perhaps not. A day late and a dollar short. You mean eme123 "won".
  18. When's Cut-down Day? I got the last one wrong.
  19. Hi Per Bow Lay by the Tasker! Which can't come soon enough. He's a bitter man who writes like he has a bad case of hemorrhoids and he's being forced to sit on them while he types. His world is filled with bile like what he probably throws up into his mouth whenever anything good happens WRT The Bills.
  20. Since you asked, it's commonly used like this: Bill can decide whether to watch the game live, or record it and watch it another day. If he chooses the former - he would watch it live. If he chooses the latter, he can watch his recording whenever he wants. Former and latter refer to two scenarios or events that are laid out in a previous sentence. The former refers to the first thing, the latter refers to the last or later thing mentioned. Oh, and for extra points in the bonus round... Some people would accept a bag of doughnuts for our backup QB. The Bills could trade him away except it would leave Cardale as #2. You're welcome [/parttimegrammarpoliceman] Gotta hand it to the stalwart fans that did though. I will record the NFLN rebroadcast and skim through it a bit. At least I think that's what I'll do. But it sounds like it was a butt ugly game.
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