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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Reminds me a little bit of the infamous JJ Watt pick 6 where Chandler and Freddy both avoided chipping Watt.
  2. Along those lines, how soon before the NCAA determines that there have to be separate black and white sports programs?
  3. Hillary's gone into a bunker and is just going to wait for the dust to settle. She's not going to apologize for her despicable comments that she said on more than one occasion. She revealed who she really is - a very angry white privileged multimillionaire with utter contempt for people who don't follow her drumbeat. In contrast, Trump and Pence have taken a very statesmen like stance on this and her face-flopping from heatstroke. The debates should reveal a lot.
  4. Vlad: "Your zipper is down, you putz." B. O.: "Of course it is. I'm going to pee on my shoes." Woman in background: "Well, I guess it is just a myth." Man in background: "Do not worry comrade Mr. President. I will not let it touch your shoes." Secret Service Agent in background: "Awwww sheet, what's Russian for 'mop and pail'?"
  5. CBS edited this "slip" out of its national broadcast. Hillary apologists’ response to collapse is demeaning to women. Clinton’s reluctance to drink water causing tension with her staff: report...............try telling her its Vodka The NY Post article has a picture of Hillary and her undercover nurse. She's the one with the backpack sized "purse". Just exactly how does one get "dehydrated" on a 75 degree day? Was she sweating heavily? Did she urinate a lot somewhere somehow? We won't be seeing much of her for awhile that's for sure. The Dems have no bench. They've got to be reeling more than she did.
  6. So what ails her - Parkinson's Disease or Progressive Supranuclear Palsy? Or is she just plain worn out?
  7. He's in "the media" and sees the gaslighting job they're doing WRT HRC's campaign. He's not buying in to their game and is calling them out on it.
  8. Didn't catch that before. Same van, same episode. Van faces left in one video. It faces right in the other.
  9. I don't have that problem. She's despicable, contemptible, and a horrible human being.
  10. That's true. His campaign is, "I'm not crooked Hillary." Someone upthread mentioned Bob Torricelli's race in NJ against Doug Forrester. Forrester's entire campaign was, "I'm not crooked Bob Torricelli." When the Dems pulled their unconstitutional switcheroo, Forrester's campaign was dead in the water. Frank Laugh'nberg was given a few bags of blood in an IV and won it walking away.
  11. What I remember about 911 when it happened is I was sitting at my desk and heard some coworkers saying "a plane hit the WTC Tower". I thought it was a little Cessna or a little plane who's pilot was very stupid. Then about 15 minutes later someone said "another plane hit the other tower." That's when I knew it was a deliberate act. I remember the left making fun of President Bush for hearing the first news and then keeping on reading to the grammar school kids. He got up a little bit later when the SS told him of the second hit. The other vivid memory I have of the "panic" in government was Reagan's Secretary of State General Alexander Haig claiming to be "in charge" at the White House after Reagan got shot. He was probably 29th in line to become President at that point.
  12. She fainted in Buffalo giving a speech in 2005. In 2012 she tripped over the airplane's threshold after bravely climbing up about 15 steps all by her little self.
  13. She's obviously the healthiest looking person in the crowd wearing sunglasses, and is still workin' the "Eye ain'ts nowhazzzzze tarred" angle.
  14. FWIW, I heard Trump this morning on CNBC Squawkbox and Fox News wishing her to get well soon, and get back on the campaign trail.
  15. What fell out of her pant leg? Keys? Pillbox? Secret Decoder ring? The rechargeable battery pack to her smiley/wide-eyed face motion generator? Maybe another cell phone from her collection. They picked up her shoe that she left behind while being plyed into the van. Did they think to pick this thing up? http://youtu.be/gCx0x0rigeQ
  16. Maybe she's really a vampire and has to have regular infusions of blood to keep her going.
  17. The WaPo sure edited that clip to NOT show her face-planting into the SUV. Fair and balanced they are.
  18. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/168360-hillarys-campaign-kickoff/?p=4039574 The Yousetoob video in the Dorkington linky was removed by the entity that uploaded it. I don't know wtf is was.
  19. Wonder how much the DNC had to pay to get that taken down.
  20. Video's been removed. What did it show that had to be erased from the world's mind-eye? http://youtu.be/11-EAzsGxgQ
  21. Yes, but he's a wussie though, and he has jug-ears too. But don't forget about Kim Jung Un either. He's a real wack-job.
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