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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Luke Skywalker before he was Luke Skywalker.
  2. How have the people living on the streets in tent encampments in the nation’s largest cities doing? Seems to me they’d be a hotbed of cases. Hard to social distance in situations like that.
  3. Darwin Award Winner right there. Tide Pods are completely safe... but not if you eat the damn things. Now THAT'S a facepalm.
  4. Wow! That's some face palm! He's suppressing a laugh.
  5. Our 1981 first round pick RB Booker Moore had GBS. It robbed him of his rookie season and he never really overcame the damage it did. He passed away in 2009.
  6. “In Diggs they saw a young, polished receiver who could help their inability to beat press coverage, according to the report.” Maybe the ‘press coverage’ needs to be beaten here.
  7. Thanks for the memories @Bob in STL let’s not forget Meggit’s run on 3rd and 19 on the Jints opening 2nd half drive that Talley didn’t wrap him up short, which would have forced a punt. Instead they drove for a score taking something like 13.5 minutes off the clock.
  8. The music is especially appropriate.
  9. Thanks @Lurker. From your linky thingy: "Although unemployment insurance exists to help workers through periods of little or no work, furloughed workers -- employees forced to take unpaid leave -- often receive nothing. In addition, small amounts of work can disqualify a person from benefits completely. Thus, a furloughed worker should not count on unemployment benefits to sustain them during a work shortage. Identification Under certain circumstances, workers can receive unemployment during a furlough in New York state, according to Nancy Dunphy, the deputy commissioner for employment security for the state’s Department of Labor, in a 2009 New York Times article. Qualifying for benefits depends on the number of days a week the employee works. Any employee that works at least four days a week cannot receive unemployment benefits." So, in fact it appears that the Pegulas are doing the right thing by their employees. At least they'll be eligible for unemployment benefits for at least 59 weeks (Hope to GOD it doesn't go anywhere near that long - the crisis that is). When things do clean up, they can reapply for their former positions or another one if they haven't already found employment in another business. Would you rather they furloughed them so they'd have no access to money until things clear up? Seriously, people lose their minds at the least tweak of information that they think cuts across the grain. Then again, I'm not surprised, I've been on this board a long time. It's the Billsy fans' way.
  10. June Cleaver couldn't have done better.
  11. Well, each of the words are true because ya know, they’re “truly“ words. How they’re put together is another thing entirely.
  12. Thank you DR for this refreshing breath of sanity. Thank you GBID for this refreshing ah, er, ah, um interesting article.
  13. HBBD Buftex you young’un.
  14. She should be forced to broadcast her show in the nude too. Then no one would watch it.
  15. You don’t know that any of that is true. Dr. Fucci now says the mortality rate is now reckoned to be 1.5% or less. I’m practicing social distancing because it’s the prudent thing to do. Again, we inoculate tens of millions of Americans every year. That builds up the herd immunity and therefore lowers the transmission rate for the flu. The China virus is not Ebola nor the Black Plague. You’re sounding like you’re more concerned about the stock market these days. Stop posting your hysteria nonsense.
  16. People are more likely to die from the regular flus than from this Chinese stink bug. And we inoculate MILLIONS of people every year from getting the flu. 80,000 died in 2017 - 2018 flu season.
  17. MATT DAMON is a Tom Brady look-alike. F him! The Babylon Bee had a great meme about AOC saying if you don’t get COVID-19 then you’re racist.
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