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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Haters gonna hate, and throw up excuse after "realist" excuse to rationalize it based on their "suffering". If it hurts that badly perhaps a different hobby is in order.
  2. If you're a Democrat Secretary of State, you funnel money into your family's charitable foundation. It's what you do. If you want to save money on car insurance...
  3. I wish the plaintiffs well. I sincerely hope they win, and win big.
  4. Now we know how deaf people have viewed this stuff and more for like ever.
  5. So they're "doing their JOB" then aren't they? They have one job and one job alone, and that is to do a job on America and get that witch elected.
  6. This won't be discovered by the MSM until a Republican is in the White House... even a phony one like Trumpster.
  7. In the subsequent FBI investigation into the matter, Director Comey found that, "Although there is evidence of potential murder, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case." He's really a Democrat anyway.
  8. I'm hedging my bet now. It's warmer this afternoon than it was this morning, so maybe global warming CC is real.
  9. Not sure where this is headed, but I have to ask. So if Trump does get elected is he expected to free the blacks from their slavery on the government's plantations?
  10. Yes. Some people say the Hillary that emerged from Chelsea's apartment looked younger and thinner than the 'real' Hillary. Of course the press was kept away - across the street even. There were SS agents on the street - keeping the crowd back about 10 yards from the building's entrance.
  11. Da infomashun youse is seeking can be found here. .
  12. Yes. It's got to be Russ's fault. And all along I thought it was Chuck Lester's. But he's been gone for awhile now, so it has to be Russ. Yes. Definitely. Russ is at fault.
  13. Yep. There's always been a significant faction of people that mistrust government and rail against authority. The left has "legitimized" that attitude and it's given us Occupy, BlackLivesMatter, Hands-Up Don't Shoot, and kneeling/sitting for the National Anthem. The flag burners of the 60s are now real driving forces that shape our national attitudes and culture.
  14. Ah yes! Robert KKK Byrd. He was such a good mentor and friend to Hillary... taught her a lot about how to handle the blacks.
  15. It's much cooler her today than yesterday. So I'm not believing in climate change today.
  16. I read that yesterday. They've expanded upon it and have many more photos. There's talk about the pneumonia being just a crap cover story to hide what's really ailing her. Some point to Parkinson's disease or something else neurological in nature. The blue tinted sun glasses are a tell-tale.
  17. Cheer up. We could be fans of the Los Angeles Rams. They haven't scored since 1994.
  18. Who will the lefties replace her with - Citizen Kaine? Crazy Bernie? Uncle Joe? Chelsea? Caroline Kennedy? Stretch Pelosi? Barbara Boxershorts? Chucky Schumer? Andrew Capone Cuomo?
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