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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. She's toast. Her royal entitlement highness is outraged, OUTRAGED I tell you. "How DARE any opponent of mine and our common agenda have any appeal at all. These despicable supporters of Trump will rue the day they pulled a lever to elect him, once I get into my rightful office, which is my Birthright and DESTINY!!!" It'll be great having her have a nervous breakdown when Trump vanquishes her. McGovern fled to France for a year after he lost. Maybe she and Bill will move to Haiti and work in a soup kitchen and do something that's actually useful and productive for once in their shallow lives.
  2. Seriously. What were the consequences of "Fast and Furious"? Nothing. One thing I think I see as a consistent theme in Trump's campaign is an emphasis on accountability in government. That's something that conservatives have long preached, but after they're elected they throw their hands up and just go on with business as usual. e. g., who got fired after the main premise of the Iraq war was proven bogus? NO ONE. Had at least a few high level heads rolled, the current regime would have weaker grounds for their lawless march to their glorious worker's paradise. Love him or hate him, I do think Trump would kick some serious azz if he gets elected. It's what the bureaucracy needs and what the electorate craves. Trompdo!
  3. Its racist and fascist to bring so many here so quickly.
  4. I wonder why? Was the cast from Cheers not available?
  5. That IS exactly what they do. They accuse the "rich" of having no regard or respect for the poor because they truly don't. That IS exactly what they do. They accuse the "rich" of having no regard or respect for the poor because they truly don't.
  6. Bloomberg. That's rich, and laughable. He's another Dem masquerading as a Republican. He's entrenched in the governing elite and a pillar of the establishment. He can't wait to get a top seat in the Nanny state and dictate to everyone just exactly how they should, nay MUST live their lives. No thank you!
  7. Well seeing the track record of the establishment and the experts and "thought leaders" that have pushed the leftist agenda of global government and continued wars of aggression which foment hatred plus having NO F UCKING clue as to counter the rise of ISIS except to wage never-ending wars in the Middle East, perhaps its time to turn to someone who isn't part of that fetid monolithic corrupt establishment that so lusts for power it will break laws indescrimately in order to maintain their grasp on power.
  8. Yeah. He just announced that he's voting for Hillary. He's just the kind of "decent" Republican that the left loves.
  9. Sure. I'll craft an offer Polian "can't refuse". Hey Polian. Stay the hell away from Buffalo and The Bills or we'll break your legs, rip your fingernails off and bury you on a red ant hill up to the Neck. Let's see him try to turn that down.
  10. He would start a business in the Sahara desert selling sandbags to the arabs because they have lots of money and the raw material is plentiful there.
  11. Well, he better get used to the idea because Trump just gained about 13 points in that particular demographic and Hillary dropped about 7 points according to a new LA Times poll.
  12. Hillary will call for a ban on Pressure cookers now. After all, she's spent the last two weeks in one. So she knows they're dangerous.
  13. A whack-job hacked 8 people in a Mall in Minnesota yesterday too.
  14. What are they planning on doing - smashing champagne bottles over the ref's heads?
  15. The stables are too small to house my polo ponies.
  16. You're probably right... unless there's a ton of bad blood between him and the Clintons. He might revel in her and the nation being run through the legal gauntlet.
  17. But he won't pardon her. I admit, I'm still holding out hope that Chris Christie will be the new AG and properly investigate and persecute to the fullest extent of the law Hillary, Lerner, and Koskinen.
  18. Let's ruin another kid's career before it even begins.
  19. http://www.politico.com/story/2008/02/obama-slams-smear-photo-008667 “On the very day that Senator Clinton is giving a speech about restoring respect for America in the world, her campaign has engaged in the most shameful, offensive fear-mongering we’ve seen from either party in this election. This is part of a disturbing pattern that led her county chairs to resign in Iowa, her campaign chairman to resign in New Hampshire, and it’s exactly the kind of divisive politics that turns away Americans of all parties and diminishes respect for America in the world," said (David) Plouffe."
  20. "Congress has learned that the FBI knew about the foreign exfiltration of that document from Clinton's server weeks before Director James Comey announced his decision not to recommend prosecution of Hillary Clinton for her use of private email. Comey testified to Congress that Guccifer denied hacking Clinton and that Clinton was "probably" hacked, but did not allude to having received any information that she was hacked."
  21. Sweet Jesus, no! Joe Banner's an azz. He's a bitter little man with a bitter little warped mind.
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