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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Well, we had a vote some time ago and Slash was chosen to tell you... but he chickened out. Sorry.
  2. RIP and a hat tip to the legendary Mr. Palmer.
  3. It's not them playing WEEI into our headsets that's a problem. It's that they don't turn off their QB and MLB's headsets when they're supposed to.
  4. Bills 33 Cards 18 I'm goin' out on a limb here folks. Yep. That's the score. I even feel it in me bones.
  5. How'd they do today? Can we fire Rex now before The Bills no longer hold their own destiny in their hands?
  6. The Ho is goin' down? That should get a PG 13 rating at the least.
  7. It's much cooler today. I don't believe in global warming now. In fact I do believe we're headed for at least a few months of cooler and even much colder temperatures. I'll check back in once I sense a change in that momentum and let you all know how I feel about the subject then. Until then, keep warm!
  8. Maybe Trump could invite a few hundred homeless blacks who Hillary a d the Dems have done absolutely nothing for over the last well, forever. Maybe Trump could invite a few hundred homeless blacks who Hillary a d the Dems have done absolutely nothing for over the last well, forever.
  9. It'll be theater like "Hunger Games". Get ready America. You deserve it.
  10. Sounds to me like a chapter from B O's book, "The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream". It's the chapter on American pipe dreams.
  11. A shoulder sling. It looks like a carbine. He could hide it behind his back under his t shirt and shorts. Check out the lower left photo. His back is a ramrod.
  12. Well, she does have a vagina and there's never been one in the Oval Orifice before apparently. So there is that.
  13. Why certainly. I can hear the not-too faint sound of Dear Leader's cackling echoing in the corners of my mind.
  14. Mysogynist! Womens can do annything a man can do and even better.
  15. Chances are though that they will have to close their doors and move to another state under the witness protection act as they will be marked for assassination by the #armedhomeinvaderslivesmatter movement and their sympathizers.
  16. Speaking of hypocrisy, if all women are supposed to vote for Hillary because they have vaginas, does that allow diesel dykes to vote for Trump?
  17. I'll take, "What proofs are there that the US is being run by an oligarchy?", for 500, Alex.
  18. Wait. I thought the right wing zealots wanted to strip away Constitutional protections from Islamist fascists. Oh, that's right that was just for the foerign Islamist fascists who are kept off US soil in Guantanamo. I thought once they were here they were guaranteed all the Constitutional protections that American citizens have. What you say? The asshat IS an American citizen? Fo' shizzle! Damn! Who the hell be running CNN these days anyway - Rodger Ailes?
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